Empanada review
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I tried this tonight. I'm not much of a dough person but it seemed easy enough. I should have rolled the dough thinner, but that's not the recipe's fault. It made ALOT of filling. I have enough for another round. I made a few substitutions, since I don't like fennel, I omitted it and I don't care for the consistancy of hominy so I used canned corn. I had some chopped black olives on hand so I used that instead of the green ones. It was very tasty. The filling was a little dry and I baked it for 30 minutes. It was very tasty. I also used half the cayenne and used dark chocolate bits. I also added 2 chopped hard-boiled eggs since many empanadas I've had have that in them.

It took me 45 minutes longer than the 90 minutes predicted. I know I'm slower than most cooks, but 50% longer seems alot even for me. We're going to have more, I also think these would make dynomite hors d'ouevres.
  Re: Empanada review by lxxf (I tried this tonight...)
Empanadas are one of my favorite foods and I make them in crazy ways. Each time is different. I wouldn't put homily in mine either, nor would I add eggs since they aren't my favorite.

I will give this recipe a try, though. My favorite empanada is sooo simple...just hamburger, TONS of black pepper, minced garlic, chopped onion and lots of green olives. I could eat them every day. Also, I've cheated and used crescent rolls rolled out and divided into 4 pieces, then filled and baked.

Please spay and neuter your pets.
  Re: Re: Empanada review by Half_Baked (Empanadas are one of...)
Jan, that's not cheating, it's being inventive. I've never made empanadas, always wanted to, but I've always been a scairdy cat about dough.
Don't wait too long to tell someone you love them.

  Re: Re: Empanada review by bjcotton (Jan, that's not chea...)
Me too! I think the crescent dough is a great idea!

"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."
  Re: Re: Empanada review by Mare749 (Me too! I think the...)
I'm such a picky eater that I make these when I'm driving. I'm not big on fast food and these little babies are just perfect.

The crescent rolls make them doable w/i an hour.

Please spay and neuter your pets.
  Re: Empanada review by lxxf (I tried this tonight...)
Which issue is this recipe in??? Tell me it's the new one---
"Never eat more than you can lift" Miss Piggy
  Re: Re: Empanada review by Roxanne 21 (Which issue is this ...)
yes, in the new issue, Roxanne - I tried to post it for you, but evidently the crew is enjoying the holidays - the recipe isn't in the system as yet. If no one else does, I'll grab the mag. and scan later this a.m. for you.
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.
  Re: Re: Empanada review by bjcotton (Jan, that's not chea...)
I avoid most things with dough too, but I finally thought that I should give it a go. I couldn't find my rolling pin so I used a wine bottle. I love the crescent roll dough idea since I have two cans of them in the fridge which I didn't serve at Christmas because both ovens were in use.
  Re: Billy by lxxf (I avoid most things ...)
Here's something else you can do with those 2 cans of dough - Monkey bread - one of our family's favorites!!

* Exported from MasterCook *


2 pkgs Butterflake Rolls -- (8 oz.) separated
1/4 lb butter
1 clove garlic -- minced
2 tsps fresh parsley -- minced
1 tsp chives -- minced
1/2 tsp dry basil
1/2 tsp dry oregano

8-9" bundt pan needed.
Preheat oven to 400°.

Melt butter & add herbs.
Butter bundt pan w/PLAIN butter.
Dip rolls in herb butter & arrange overlapped in pan.

Bake 20 min. or till golden brown.

ALTERNATIVE: Make 1 lb. bread dough; roll out to ~1/4" thickness.
Using a 1 1/2" -2" cutter, cut circles out of dough and proceed as above.
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.
  Re: Re: Billy by cjs (Here's something els...)
That's already in my favorites section Jean. I made it for the last dinner I did for the Truck Farmers.
Don't wait too long to tell someone you love them.


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