Yum we got 10 lb of fresh shrimp so we are having
Enchilado shrimp stew over white rice, garden salad w a light vinaigrette
lusianne tea and lemon sorbet for dessert
yuuum i'm already bursting at the seams

  what r u cooking tonight? lov2cook Yum we got 10 lb of ...
I'm making my clam chowder base in prep for the 4th, so I'll steal a little of that for dinner. And rolls and a salad with a maple vin will round out the meal.

Hmmm, enchilada shrimp stew, is that a C@H recipe or is it one of your own?


  Re: what r u cooking tonight? pjcooks I'm making my clam c...
ooooh i love clam chowder!!

one of mhy own and oooold one but oh so good and better make loooots of it because it is addictive very comforting

  Re: what r u cooking tonight? lov2cook ooooh i love clam ch...
I love clam chowder also! I'm thinking now that my Fourth menu should be a clam bake with extra clams for chowder after! YUMMMY!

Tonight, I'm passifying my husband with hotdogs! The man could eat them every day! I will make some chili and popcorn buns, though. I need to get the bread started soon!
Keep your mind wide open.

  Re: what r u cooking tonight? Gourmet_Mom I love clam chowder ...
crap, it's 11 a.m., I'm still washing equipment and I have no idea what we're having...better get to lookin'

hmmm, clam chowder does sound good.
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  Re: what r u cooking tonight? cjs crap, it's 11 a.m., ...
My husband made his first beer can chicken on Saturday and I'm making chicken enchiladas with the leftovers tonight.

  Re: what r u cooking tonight? Trixxee My husband made his ...
clam chowder it is for us - last pkg. in the freezer! and some little sandwiches using up what I kept of the ham and corn muffins.
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  Re: what r u cooking tonight? cjs clam chowder it is f...
I'm having Fritos and chili for supper.
Don't wait too long to tell someone you love them.


  Re: what r u cooking tonight? bjcotton I'm having Fritos an...
We'll be there soon. That sounds good!

I'm still uncertain. I have fresh pasta, so I'm sure it'll have something to do with that. It's so smoky outside that I know Bob won't want to BBQ.
You only live once . . . but if you do it right once should be enough!

  Re: what r u cooking tonight? Harborwitch We'll be there soon....
Leftover lasagna for us tonight. Glad I read this tho, it reminded me of something I've been meaning to ask everyone about the popcorn bread. Think I'll start a new post.

"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."
what r u cooking tonight?

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