In the continuing saga...
MIL cannot stay alone in her apt when she returns on April 12 (from SIL's house, where she is recuperating from 2 surgeries). DH talked with her last Friday, got an okay to do it, and we looked at a few senior apartment complexes on Monday. Unfortunately, the best one (by far) had only one small efficiency available. MIL would definitely not go for that. But we are hopeful and DH called her, only to be yelled at because she didn't remember telling him that it was okay to find her another place. I think I mentioned all of this in a previous post.
Well, this morning the manager of the "best" apartment complex called and a one-bedroom apartment has suddenly become available. That is the perfect size. She can fit most of her furniture in from the old place. DH calls his mother again and spends 1-1/2 hours on the phone. Round and round and round... she wants to see the apartment first, but she is 6 hours away and they will only hold it through Wednesday. Plus, we have to try to cancel her lease tomorrow or we will have to pay an extra month's rent (we have to stay thru April to pack up all of her stuff).
I just sent some photos of the new building. It makes her current one look like public housing. But she is stubborn and thinks that we are all trying to trick her.
Her current apartment has no handicap facilities at all and she not only has trouble using the (repaired) broken arm, but now uses a walker as well. The new place has a private, fully accessible apartment, all meals (in a lovely dining room) are included in the rent, plus transportation to doctor appointments, shopping, etc.
MIL has done nothing but complain about her old place, but remembers none of that. The neighbors she dislikes are now her "friends".
We are being driven mad.
Anyway, tomorrow morning it all comes to a head. She has to make a decision, and really, that decision has to be to let us move her into a new place. And it has to be done before the 12th.
Okay, what I need from you all are some incredibly positive vibes to be sent to MIL (and DH!) tomorrow morning. Full of "time to move to a new place" thoughts! Packed with "you'll be much safer there" thoughts!
Well, it can't hurt, can it???
Thanks, guys.
MIL cannot stay alone in her apt when she returns on April 12 (from SIL's house, where she is recuperating from 2 surgeries). DH talked with her last Friday, got an okay to do it, and we looked at a few senior apartment complexes on Monday. Unfortunately, the best one (by far) had only one small efficiency available. MIL would definitely not go for that. But we are hopeful and DH called her, only to be yelled at because she didn't remember telling him that it was okay to find her another place. I think I mentioned all of this in a previous post.
Well, this morning the manager of the "best" apartment complex called and a one-bedroom apartment has suddenly become available. That is the perfect size. She can fit most of her furniture in from the old place. DH calls his mother again and spends 1-1/2 hours on the phone. Round and round and round... she wants to see the apartment first, but she is 6 hours away and they will only hold it through Wednesday. Plus, we have to try to cancel her lease tomorrow or we will have to pay an extra month's rent (we have to stay thru April to pack up all of her stuff).
I just sent some photos of the new building. It makes her current one look like public housing. But she is stubborn and thinks that we are all trying to trick her.
Her current apartment has no handicap facilities at all and she not only has trouble using the (repaired) broken arm, but now uses a walker as well. The new place has a private, fully accessible apartment, all meals (in a lovely dining room) are included in the rent, plus transportation to doctor appointments, shopping, etc.
MIL has done nothing but complain about her old place, but remembers none of that. The neighbors she dislikes are now her "friends".
We are being driven mad.
Anyway, tomorrow morning it all comes to a head. She has to make a decision, and really, that decision has to be to let us move her into a new place. And it has to be done before the 12th.
Okay, what I need from you all are some incredibly positive vibes to be sent to MIL (and DH!) tomorrow morning. Full of "time to move to a new place" thoughts! Packed with "you'll be much safer there" thoughts!
Well, it can't hurt, can it???
Thanks, guys.