Another thought on salt...
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Found this quite funny when it hit the local news on tv so I found it in "print" form to share with everyone here...

Iowa town's roads well seasoned
Wed Dec 17, 3:15 pm ET

ANKENY, Iowa – Slush has never smelled so spicy. City crews in the Des Moines suburb of Ankeny are using garlic salt to melt snow and ice on streets from Tuesday's storm. The salt was donated by Tone Brothers Inc., a top spice producer headquartered in Ankeny.

Public Works Administrator Al Olson said the company donated 18,000 pounds of garlic salt to use on its 400 miles of roads.

Olson doesn't have details, but he said the salt would have ended up in the landfill, so the company donated it. A telephone call Wednesday to Tone Brothers wasn't immediately returned.

Olson said the city mixed the garlic salt with regular road salt and it works fine. He said some road workers say it makes them hungry, but Olson doesn't recommend it to spice up lunch or dinner.
"Ponder well on this point: the pleasant hours of our life are all connected, by a more or less tangible link, with some memory of the table."-Charles Pierre Monselet, French author(1825-1888)
  Re: Another thought on salt... by firechef (Found this quite fun...)
That is just tooooo funny! My hubby would be in heaven. He sprinkles garlic powder on everything. Yuk, if it isn't real garlic, I don't like it.

Everything tastes better Alfresco!

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