Well, I made it home about noon today. What an exhausting 5 days. Marilee's (my lil sis) daughter's dog, Milo, is a beautiful brindle boxer, but what a pain in the tush. When I normally dog-sit up there I have 3 dogs that are fairly normal, but when you add Milo, oh my. I couldn't go anywhere, and I do mean ANYWHERE, without that dog literally on my heels. If we were upstairs and started down and I stopped, his head would have been firmly planted you-know-where. His head would bump my butt all the way down the stairs. Just to see if he would follow me I walked in a circle about 5 times and there he was hot on my heels. I walked from the kitchen, through the diningroom, around the livingroom, back through the diningroom around the kitchen again and again...right on my heels. You could not leave anything edible [except raw zucchini, onions, tomatoes, etc.] on the kitchen counter. I cooked off some bacon and then removed it from the drippings. Put it in a bowl way back on the counter and went to the bathroom. It was gone when I came back. He ate 5 out of 6 wholewheat hotdog buns and half a loaf of ciabatta. He does all this while you are asleep or out of the room, so you can't discipline him since you didn't catch him doing it. He's 2 and neutered, but drives the old female dog crazy. I gave him 2 benedryl just to calm him down. Another day and I'da killed that dog. Course then I would have hated myself for eternity. Lovable animal, but my word
Don't wait too long to tell someone you love them.