Well, I've decided to combine two things.
Today, in the supermarket, I noticed oxtail - something with which I have been wanting to work for a while. I didn't buy any today, but decided to come back home, look for recipes and ideas and then go back and buy them tomorrow if I found a good recipe to try.
Then, when I came here, I noticed you were looking for Mexican recipes for
Cinco de Mayo and I looked around to see if I could find anything authentically Mexican that happened to use oxtail.
HERE is what I've decided to make. It is called
Gallina Pinta (even though there's no hen - or chicken, for that matter - in it). Instead, it is a stew made with oxtail, flank steak, pinto beans and hominy. It's simple and basic (so much so that it is also called
Pozole de Pobre or "Poor-Man's Pozole"), but sounds delicious.
Thus (presuming the store still has oxtail when I go back for it tomorrow), I'm going to combine my oxtail experimentation with
Cinco de Mayo.
BTW, the recipe that I translated and posted at the above link was from a 300-page PDF cookbook issued by the State of Sonora, Mexico, so I now have another source of a ton of Mexican recipes.
HERE is the link to the PDF file, in case anyone is interested (and doesn't mind the fact that everything is in Spanish). If anyone finds something to give a try, I'd be willing to translate some recipes into English (as long as I don't get completely swamped by requests).