Egyptian Onions?
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Has anyone ever grown these? My oldest son is coming home for the weekend. When he called the other day, he asked if I wanted him to bring me some herbs. I jumped on it! Then he mentioned bringing me some of these! They sound pretty cool!

Egyptian Walking Onion
Keep your mind wide open.
  Re: Egyptian Onions? by Gourmet_Mom (Has anyone ever grow...)
I've never heard of them either, but the do sound like fun. Are you worried that they will spread too much? It sounds like they're pretty prolific!
  Re: Re: Egyptian Onions? by karyn (I've never heard of ...)
Wow, how fun would that be. Hope you plant some and let us know, Daphne. Probably would not be a bad idea to plant in a planter, I guess, huh?
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.
  Re: Re: Egyptian Onions? by cjs (Wow, how fun would t...)
What an interesting plant that is, Daphne. Hope you will keep us posted on how they progress. Might have to snag a few to bring home with me in September.

"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."
  Re: Re: Egyptian Onions? by Mare749 (What an interesting ...)
Well it looks like I am going to acquire a piece of our property that would be perfect for a little garden (long story).

These would be interesting to check out. How do they taste to you would be a good start, although I've never met an onion I didn't like. Same with mushrooms.

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Then find someone whose life has given them vodka.
  Re: Re: Egyptian Onions? by BarbaraS (Well it looks like I...)
They are described like a shallot with attitude. You can also eat the whole plant. The green shoots are similar to a green onion or chive, and the bulb underground can be eaten.

I'm putting them in a planter, because they are named Walking Onion for good reason. They said they'll "walk" across your yard....LOL! Maryann, I'll be sure to send some with you. They are also perinnial. They are said to be a very old plant that our grandparents would have had.
Keep your mind wide open.
  Re: Re: Egyptian Onions? by Gourmet_Mom (They are described l...)
darn, better head to North Carolina..................
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.
  Re: Re: Egyptian Onions? by cjs (Damn, better head to...)
Hey I want some too!! In a planter would be perfect. They wouldn't likely be perennial here, but maybe I could dig them up and save over winter?
Empress for Life
  Re: Re: Egyptian Onions? by farnfam (Hey I want some too!...)
Cis, the nursery in that link said they survived outside in -25 degree weather.

Come on over, Jean! Although, we may experiment with a mailing. We'll see how it goes. They seem to be very hardy.
Keep your mind wide open.
  Re: Re: Egyptian Onions? by Gourmet_Mom (Cis, the nursery in ...)
Oh I would so do these! What a fun plant. Pick some and use them and every other one let them roam I look forward to hearing your reviews and seeing pictures

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