Overall and still makes me cry - Cats in the Cradle.
In case you may not know, if you like "Cats in the Cradle," you should also like "Dancing Boy" - another one by Harry Chapin.
To dance to - Proud Mary - only sung by Tina Turner
I prefer the original artists, Creedence Clearwater Revival, but the extended version of the song.
My tastes are so eclectic (almost anything, except rap, hip hop and reggaeton [not to be confused with reggae, which I DO like])) that I'll just say a few things about what I consider to be two of the most beautiful songs ever written.
For something contemporary, I would choose "Vincent" by Don McLean. It's amazing how many people know it only as "Starry, starry night," hardly paying attention to the rest of the lyrics and, because of that, fail to realise it is about Vincent van Gogh. If you only know it from occasional radio play, listen to it closely, some time.
As I mentioned in a much earlier thread, I would say that the most beautiful song, ever, is
Cantique de Jean Racine by Gabriel Fauré (who wrote it when he was only 19!). Of course, Fauré's version was in French, so here is the English translation we sang in choir:
Oh Redeemer divine, our sole hope of salvation,
Eternal light of the earth and the sky,
We kneel in adoration.
Oh Savior, turn on us Thy loving eye.
Send down on us the fire of Thy grace all consuming,
Whose wondrous might dispersed the powers of hell,
And rouse our slumbering souls with Thine illumining radiance,
That they may waken Thy mercy to tell.
Oh Christ, bestow Thy blessing on us, we implore Thee,
Who here are gathered on penitent knee.
Accept the hymns we chant to Thine eternal glory,
And these Thy gifts we return unto thee.
Without the music, it's difficult to get the full effect, but if you ever do hear it, you'll understand just how beautiful it is.