caramel sauce
  Re: (...)
Can someone help me out please? I inadvertently threw out my most recent issue of Cuisine at Home and now need the caramel sauce recipe on page 33 to complete the apple 'pie' dessert recipe. Would someone kindly type out the recipe for me. shorthand instructions are fine. thanks so much. Barbara
  Re: caramel sauce by sadbkd (Can someone help me ...)
Reduce to 2 cups; Reserve 2 T.:

1 quart apple juice
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 vanilla bean, split and scraped

Add and Simmer:
1/4 cup heavy cream

Stir in; Cook until Thickened:

4 t. cornstarch mixed with 2 T. reserved reduction
Pinch of salt

In large saucepan, combine apple juice and sugar. Split vanilla bean lengthwise. Scrape out seeds and add seeds and bean halves to juice.

Reduce mixture to 2 cups (20–25 minutes.). Remove beans and reserve 2 T. mixture. Reduce to simmer.

Add cream. Stir and cook 10 minutes. Mix cornstarch and reserved juice reduction. Add salt.

Stir in cornstarch and reduction. Simmer for 2–4 minutes, or until sauce is thickened and glossy. To make apple caramel sauce easier to use, let it cool. Then pour it into a squeeze bottle. Chill sauce before use.
  Re: Re: caramel sauce by DFen911 (Reduce to 2 cups; Re...)
thank you so much!!
  Re: Re: caramel sauce by sadbkd (thank you so much!!...)
Here is a good caramel sauce that is easy to make and you can make several cans at once if you wish:

* Exported from MasterCook *


Recipe By :Maincourse
Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00
Categories : Condiments-Sweet/Savory Sauces

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method
-------- ------------ --------------------------------
1 can sweetened condensed milk such as Eagle brand.

1. Place unopened can in a pan, cover with water. Bring to a simmer and simmer for 2 to 3 hours. Cool and store in the refrigerator until a caramel sauce is needed.

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