What A Cute Couple!!
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They are here for a few days again this spring. They are paddling around in the pool, and get out to bathe in the sun every once in awhile. He's looking really good, she's looking a tad skinny after her winter journey south. He's being very attentive to her, so I'm giving them lots of time alone. I served them a wonderful bread appetizer that they really seemed to enjoy. Unfortunatley, every time I look at them, all I can think of is DUCK FAT!!!!!!!

Yup a mating pair of ducks that return to our backyard every year.
Practice safe lunch. Use a condiment.
  Re: What A Cute Couple!! by Lorraine (They are here for a ...)
Sounds like you also provide good service at your "nest and breakfast." You will probably do very well, once they start to spread the news by "word of beak."
If blueberry muffins have blueberries in them, what do vegan muffins have?
  Re: Re: What A Cute Couple!! by labradors (Sounds like you also...)
Oh Lorraine....that is too funny! In a family of duck hunters living on a lake that prohibits hunting, it was hard to explain to my YS that all those ducks out there were off limits! My neighbor feeds the ducks as well as all the other animals around here, so there are dozens around her pier every day! William calls her the animal whisperer and I call her Dr. Doolittle...LOL!
Keep your mind wide open.
  Re: Re: What A Cute Couple!! by Gourmet_Mom (Oh Lorraine....that ...)
" they start to spread the news by "word of beak."

LOl Nope, they are very selective. We only ever get one couple. The others are in the neighbours yards! I've heard they return to the same mating ground every year. Don't know if it's true or not. If it's the same pair, two years ago, she looked like a child bride sold into marriage. Last year she looked a bit better, and this year she has really come into her own.

These ones are so tame. I've walked in and out a dozen times. the older cat snuck out with me and darn near had her paws in the pool. They gave her a wide birth, but never fled.
Practice safe lunch. Use a condiment.
  Re: Re: What A Cute Couple!! by Lorraine (" they start to spre...)
Oh Lorraine get some pictures and then more of the new family I'm sure will follow
  Re: Re: What A Cute Couple!! by DFen911 (Oh Lorraine get some...)
How fun. Our neighbor's pond that we can look down on draws an egret (shoot, CRS again, can't remember the correct bird, but big like an egret...) every so often. He/she looks so funny lumbering in and out of their narrow yard up and over the fence.
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.
  Re: Re: What A Cute Couple!! by cjs (How fun. Our neighbo...)
Jean maybe it's a heron or crane?
"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time."
  Re: Re: What A Cute Couple!! by luvnit (Jean maybe it's a he...)
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.
  Re: Re: What A Cute Couple!! by DFen911 (Oh Lorraine get some...)
" more of the new family I'm sure will follow "

They never nest here, they probably nest closer to the water (we're really close to Lake Ontario), or, we have lots of wooded areas nearby. Too bad, because they young ones are so cute.

Jean, herons are great! My SIL, a wildlife biologist, was responsible for re-introducing them onto Vancouver island. she had lots of locals helping her on the project, and they were very successful.
Practice safe lunch. Use a condiment.
  Re: Re: What A Cute Couple!! by cjs (heron......)
Maybe it's a giraffe in disguise Jean
Don't wait too long to tell someone you love them.


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