too much cayenne
  Re: (...)
If I added too much cayenne pepper to chili, is there something I can add to tame the spice? Perhaps a teaspoon of vinagar??
  Re: too much cayenne by lam0327 (If I added too much ...)
The real cooks will be here in a moment or three, but would it be suitable to grate a potato into your mixture. It does work with saltiness.
  Re: Re: too much cayenne by vannin (The real cooks will ...)
Hi lam, I'm not one of the real cooks, but I've done that a few times, especially when using fresh chilis and you never think they are as hot as they really are. Anyway, what I had to do was make another batch of chili and mix them together, then froze the excess in plastic containers.

Also, I've heard that adding sugar will help disguise the heat somewhat, but then you don't want to add too much or it will change the taste of your chili.

Hope that helps a little bit, and welcome to the forum. Come back and join in, there are very nice people here.


"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."
  Re: Re: too much cayenne by Mare749 (Hi lam, I'm not one ...)
I'm not a real cook, I just play one on T.V......

There are a lot of old wive's tale rememdies floating around to fix overly hot and/or salty foods, but I'm with Maryann, the best solution seems to be make another batch (mild this time! ) and add to the first. good luck.
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.
  Re: Re: too much cayenne by cjs (I'm not a real cook,...)
Welcome lam. That's the only solution I've found too. My friend once asked how many chiles I gave him to put in his chili...I told him one! He is a "if one is good, four is better" cook. He ended up with 16 quarts of chili before it was edible.
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  Re: Re: too much cayenne by bjcotton (Welcome lam. That's...)
rofl, BJ!

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