I'm Home!
  Re: (...)
Well, I made it home about noon today. What an exhausting 5 days. Marilee's (my lil sis) daughter's dog, Milo, is a beautiful brindle boxer, but what a pain in the tush. When I normally dog-sit up there I have 3 dogs that are fairly normal, but when you add Milo, oh my. I couldn't go anywhere, and I do mean ANYWHERE, without that dog literally on my heels. If we were upstairs and started down and I stopped, his head would have been firmly planted you-know-where. His head would bump my butt all the way down the stairs. Just to see if he would follow me I walked in a circle about 5 times and there he was hot on my heels. I walked from the kitchen, through the diningroom, around the livingroom, back through the diningroom around the kitchen again and again...right on my heels. You could not leave anything edible [except raw zucchini, onions, tomatoes, etc.] on the kitchen counter. I cooked off some bacon and then removed it from the drippings. Put it in a bowl way back on the counter and went to the bathroom. It was gone when I came back. He ate 5 out of 6 wholewheat hotdog buns and half a loaf of ciabatta. He does all this while you are asleep or out of the room, so you can't discipline him since you didn't catch him doing it. He's 2 and neutered, but drives the old female dog crazy. I gave him 2 benedryl just to calm him down. Another day and I'da killed that dog. Course then I would have hated myself for eternity. Lovable animal, but my word
Don't wait too long to tell someone you love them.

  Re: I'm Home! by bjcotton (Well, I made it home...)
Good to have you back, Billy! Don't you just love nice quiet dogs???
Practice safe lunch. Use a condiment.
  Re: Re: I'm Home! by Lorraine (Good to have you bac...)
Welcome home to 'normal' Meatball, Billy!! What did you finally fix for the neighbors??
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.
  Re: Re: I'm Home! by cjs (Welcome home to 'nor...)
I was hesitant to fix the Linguine with White Sauce since I'd never made it and the amount of garlic seemed out of proportion, so I made the Beer Braised Brisket. They loved it. I added some new red potatoes and carrots toward the end for veggies. They liked the Sauteed Spinach so much from the Parmesan Chicken Roulades that I made that and the Tomato Concasse again too. The whole dinner went over very well.
Don't wait too long to tell someone you love them.

  Re: Re: I'm Home! by bjcotton (I was hesitant to fi...)
Welcome back Billy!

You know it could have been worse. The dog could have hated you and growled all the time.

I think it would have been funny if someone could have cam'd you walking in circles and the dog following.
  Re: Re: I'm Home! by bjcotton (I was hesitant to fi...)
Welcome home Billy. Does Buddy go with you on your excursions too? Also wondering if the Tomato Concasse is a C@H recipe. If it is would you let me know which issue, else please post the recipe. It sounds like something we'd enjoy.
Empress for Life
  Re: Re: I'm Home! by bjcotton (I was hesitant to fi...)
Welcome home Sweetie! We've missed you.

It's sometimes hard to cook for some people. My oldest daughter, her husband, his sister, her husband, and my adorable granddaughters were here for the weekend. The sister and her husband are REAL foodies. They arrived Friday evening. I could play with food with them and we did. Son in law on the other hand is a fried pork chop fan. Laurie (daughter) is another foodie (but she's eating a raw food diet and didn't tell me) and her oldest daughter Caroline is a spicy food nut. Greta (the youngest) is not a spicy food fan but likes most everything else. What a strange crowd to feed over the weekend. I will give SIL credit - he did try the smoked salmon & wasabi caviar, but only one.
You only live once . . . but if you do it right once should be enough!
  Re: Re: I'm Home! by farnfam (Welcome home Billy. ...)
cis, I think he's talking about my all time favorite (so far) of the C@Ho dinners -

* Exported from MasterCook *

Chicken Parmesan Roulades

Serving Size : 8

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method
-------- ------------ --------------------------------
For the Roulades
Halve -- Prepare and Roll with
4 6 oz boneless -- skinless chicken breast halves
salt and freshly ground black pepper
8 ounces fresh mozzarella -- cut in eight 2" long pieces
Combine -- Dredge and Brown in
1 cup Panko bread crumbs
1 tablespoon minced fresh parsley
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
1 large egg -- beaten
1/2 cup olive oil
For the Sauce -- Saute in
2 tablespoons olive oil -- ADD
1 cup onions -- chopped
1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes
3 cups cherry tomatoes -- pulsed in food processor
1/4 cup chopped fresh basil
salt -- to taste
1 Serve with Caesar Salad -- makes 10 cups
Mash together
1 1/2 teaspoons garlic -- minced
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
Whisk in
1/4 cup Parmesan cheese -- grated
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1 tablespoon mayonnaise
1 teaspoon anchovy paste
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
1/4 cup olive oil
Toss with
10 cups romaine lettuce -- chopped

Trim off and discard 1 inch of the tail end of the breast--it's too narrow to pound out. With the knife blade parallel to the cutting board, horizontally slice each breast in half lengthwise. Season, and roll each with a piece of mozzarella inside. If the cheese pieces are too big, the chicken won't enclose it properly.

Preheat oven to 400°F; coat a baking sheet with nonstick spray and set a cooling rack on top. Put the baking sheet in the oven.

Combine panko and parsley. Dredge roulades in flour, then dip into egg and coat with crumbs. Dredging the roulades in flour and dipping in egg help the crumbs stick. The minced parsley adds a little flavor and color. Heat oil in a sauté pan over medium-high; add roulades and brown on all sides, 4-5 minutes. Remove roulades from the pan, transfer to the baking sheet in the oven, and roast 10 minutes. Pour off all but 2 Tbs oil in the pan and return the skillet to medium-high heat.

Sauté onions and pepper flakes for the sauce until onions are soft, 2-3 minutes. Stir in tomatoes and cook until slightly thickened, 8-10 minutes; season with basil and salt.

To serve, place roulade on top of Caesar salad, spoon tomatoe sauce on top, and sprinkle with Parmesan.

Caesar Salad: Mash garlic and salt together with the flat side of a knife blade until it forms a paste. The coarse grains of kosher salt help break the garlic down to a paste. Be sure to work on a stady cutting board. Whisk remaining ingredients together with the garlic paste until combined. Toss the romain with the dressing just before serving.


"CuisineAtHome, Jun '06"

"Chicken Parmesan Roulades with fresh tomato sauce and Caesar Salad."
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.
  Re: I'm Home! by bjcotton (Well, I made it home...)
Thanks Billy--I really needed a good

Welcome home to your "normal" (???) life--good to have you back.
"Never eat more than you can lift" Miss Piggy
  Re: Re: I'm Home! by cjs (cis, I think he's ta...)
Thanks cj, so the tomato concasse is the sauce for the roulades? Guess I should have looked up the word concasse (I see now it means coarsely chopped). I was thinking souffle or something
Next time I'll check that French Cooking Dictionary site
Empress for Life

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