We are moved as you all know. And it is winter. And we are not yet hooked up to sat. and broadband does not work in this valley. The electricity works now and then, mostly now, but the thens are usually protracted and, of course unpredictable. Mud is everywhere, and I have given up smoking after 45 years of the weed.

Now that all sounds rather glum, but it isn't. I would rather be here than anywhere else. Better stop now, before the lights go out again. Billy, I tried to ring you, but got a funny message. Are you there love.

  Update vannin We are moved as you ...
So glad to hear from you!


Now that all sounds rather glum, but it isn't. I would rather be here than anywhere else.

And that statement alone is priceless! I too am giving up smoking....the past couple days have not gone well. I applaud you on making it out! And in the midst of winter huh? Maybe that's my problem...LOL! I hope your winter improves and is short lived! Hey, you're on the downhill slide now! Spring is not really that far away!
Keep your mind wide open.
  Update vannin We are moved as you ...
Congratulations on quitting smoking, Dale. Hard thing to do. It sounds like a lot of changes going on for you. Hope you like the new home. When you get your sat hooked up and elec on, tell us what kind of winter dishes you are making.

"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."
  Update vannin We are moved as you ...
Yes, I am still here Dale. I've been making quite a few trips to Portland to the hospital, in fact I have another one this Wednesday. I'm pretty much pain-free these days, but have 2 cysts on my pancreas that bother me some and a lesion on my adrenal gland (on the right kidney), but those are just minor things compared to the past. Still they call me up to Portland every couple of weeks for something or other.

I am so glad to hear you are happy in your new place AND that you've given up on the ciggies. Maybe one day I will too. Right now the grief is still to fresh from Fredia and Buddy to worry about anything else.
Don't wait too long to tell someone you love them.


  Re: Update bjcotton Yes, I am still here...
Hang in there Daphne, I must say I didn't mean too, but my daughter did, so I thought best back her up. However I think she has the relief of the occaisional sneaky. Best not for me to do that, or I would smoke the whole packet.

Billy, I saw you had lost your dear Buddy. It's just too much, I wish so much there was something I could say to you, but alas, there is not. It brought back with stinging gut wrenching mind bleaching clarity what it was like after Tua was stolen.

  Re: Update vannin Hang in there Daphne...
Hi, Dale! Nice to hear from you. You would think I could give up those 4 a day but it eludes me.....

Hope things are settled for you soon!


  Re: Update pjcooks Hi, Dale! Nice to h...
It's strange, I'll go for 2 or 3 days with just one in the evening, then BANG! I'll smoke half a pack. After yesterdays total failure, I've managed to go back to just one today....I'll keep at it!
Keep your mind wide open.

  Re: Update Gourmet_Mom It's strange, I'll g...
Daphne - You're making progress on quitting... hang in there.
  Re: Update Gourmet_Mom It's strange, I'll g...
Daphne, best of luck on the "starvation?" diet, but mostly on losing the cigarette habit. We want you around for a very long time. Sounds like you have that "can do" attitude, good for you. So what is the story of the diet for 2 days, if I may ask?

Everything tastes better Alfresco!

  Re: Update chef_Tab Daphne, best of luck...
It must be time for Mom's 50 year/500,000 mile check up...one of those "lovely" little test...good luck Mom! Smile pretty for it all! I just wonder how many past and present students would be "happy" you are having a test as well as them!?
"Ponder well on this point: the pleasant hours of our life are all connected, by a more or less tangible link, with some memory of the table."-Charles Pierre Monselet, French author(1825-1888)

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