We're trying one from Weeknight Grill book - Spice-grilled halibut in Spanish shrimp sauce and grilled potatoes and pineapple. Maybe I'll crack the tatoes and toss with goodies - Sonja reminded me I haven't done that for a while.

I'm also making up some sweet corn stock for the freezer - grilled a couple dozen ears yesterday, cut the kernals off and they are now in the freezer. Rice and couscous are so good cooked in this stock.

What are you all up to?
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  What's for Dinner - Tuesday? cjs We're trying one fro...
James is working quite a bit of OT this week so I'm making the pasta with the no cook salsa/picante topping for myself and an two good friends. It's hot as he!! here today, but I LOVE it
Empress for Life

  Re: What's for Dinner - Tuesday? farnfam James is working qui...
We'll be working on the Open House leftovers from Sunday most of this week.
  What's for Dinner - Tuesday? cjs We're trying one fro...
What you are having sounds yummy -what is sweet corn stock? Arthur and I are going to try the Vaquero Steaks with pepper relish and goat cheese that is in the current issue of Cuisine at Home along with the Chimichurri Bread - The other recipes we tried were so great - I hope this one turns out as well -


  Re: What's for Dinner - Tuesday? What you are having ...
We e having the tasty Shrimp rolls from the first grilling book. We have these like 3 times a month. They are FANTASTIC.


  Re: What's for Dinner - Tuesday? Emmasmum We e having the tast...
Sonja, after I cut the kernals off the cobs, I then make sweet corn stock out of the cobs - it's just wondeful to add to soups, cook couscous and/or rice in. All kinds of dishes it can be added to - just about anything you'd use a chicken or veggie stock for.

This is what I do -

* Exported from MasterCook *

Sweet Corn Stock - Kelly Johnson (an old Chef friend)

1 Lg Onion,rough Cut
1 Carrot, Rough Cut
2 Celery Stocks, Rough Cut
15 -20 Corn Cobs, Kernels Removed and Reserved
6 -8 Fresh Sprigs of Thyme
2 Bay Leaves
1 Tsp Whole Pepperorns
2 T. Butter
1 Gal Blond Chicken Stock, Veggie Stock or Water

In a 3 gallon stock pot add the butter and sweat the celery, carrots and onion.
Add the corn cobs, herbs, peppercorns and stock or water & bring to a simmer
Simmer 45 minutes if you use stock and 1/5 hours if water is used.
Strain, season, degrease and cool.


I should have said I start out by grilling the corn and cutting it off to put up in the freezer.
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.
  What's for Dinner - Tuesday? cjs We're trying one fro...
We have enough leftovers for a small army - and Billy defected! I think that'll be dinner tonight. It's so freakin' hot - I do not want to cook!!! It's 95.5 already. I think pulled pork sammies with some Sweet Baby Ray's, leftover slaw - and ????????
You only live once . . . but if you do it right once should be enough!

  Re: What's for Dinner - Tuesday? Harborwitch We have enough lefto...
We are going out for sushi. We haven't had much sushi for the last few years because we never knew of any decent place around. Found one last week and loved it. I'm NOT sharing my plate of sashimi with my husband this time. He can get his own.

Good for the tummy, bad for the pocketbook.

  Re: What's for Dinner - Tuesday? Trixxee We are going out for...
Same as Sharon, we had pulled pork sandwiches from the pork we smoked over the weekend. Also had baked beans and potato salad and some fantastic white nectarines for dessert. My inlaws couldn't make it over the weekend, so we had them over tonight to help with the pork. The rest is getting frozen for another time. We're just eating way too much of it, but it's soooo good!

"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."

  Re: What's for Dinner - Tuesday? Mare749 Same as Sharon, we h...
Ours was marinated in achiote paste and orange juice - then slow cooked almost all day on the grill with some hickory smoke. (We cooked two hunks of piggy totaling almost 15 lbs) The flavor goes well with what ever you put on it!
You only live once . . . but if you do it right once should be enough!
What's for Dinner - Tuesday?

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