I sure hope LJ and anyone else in the midwest is surviving this crazy weather. Anyone hear from LJ?

I hope those on the east coast are surviving the heat. Oh my.

But what about us? I am freezing my behind off here in the Pacific Northwest! the temp just dropped from 51 to 50 as I was writing. this. My garden is just sitting there not growing. I want some sunshine and some warm weather!!!! I'm going to start crying... I was outside doing some yard patrole and the tips of my fingers got numb! How crazy is that.

Ok, I think I am done whining now.
Mom to three wonderful 7th graders!
The time is flying by.

  OT - crazy weather! esgunn I sure hope LJ and a...
Here in Ohio we had storms last Tuesday & Wednesday. Now we have temps in the 90's with humidity in the 70's. Luckily we had no damage here with the exception of a power outage. There were over 14,000 residences without power Wednesday night and by Friday there were still 1,100 without power. We were one of the lucky ones. Ours only lasted 3 hrs. If you are inside in the air conditioning it looks like a beautiful day but when you step outside it takes your breath away. Oh by the way, we also are overwhelmed with cicadas.

  Re: OT - crazy weather! smschwag Here in Ohio we had ...
(Erin, I'm feeling the same way, but when I hear what the others are going thru....but, I still hate this!)
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  Re: OT - crazy weather! cjs (Erin, I'm feeling t...
Jennifer just called from Wyoming - freezing cold. They are on their way to Yellowstone today. Of course it's summer - they are young women - they packed bathing suits, shorts, sundresses! We hadn't heard from her in 3 days - and she was heading into the path of the storm last we heard. Luckily they stayed in Wyoming longer than expected.

We're going to hit 90 today. Not too bad.
You only live once . . . but if you do it right once should be enough!
  OT - crazy weather! esgunn I sure hope LJ and a...
I think I saw where LJ posted in the past 24 hours, so seems they're okay so far. I keep my ears perked when the weatherman discusses that region....the worst right now seems to be missing him....so far. I checked online earlier today and it looks like bad weather there soon, though.

I'm in the heat and wish I could send you some...well, a lot! It's over 100 and no relief for several days. And no breeze...and I want so badly to be outside on the deck. Most of the boaters are in the middle of the lake, seeking cool water where the deeper channels run. The water is in the 80's Garden and deck plants are surviving so far though.
Keep your mind wide open.
  OT - crazy weather! esgunn I sure hope LJ and a...
It's 93 right now with a dewpoint of 67....trying to clean off the deck and finish opening the pool but it's almost unbearable out there, I keep popping in to the air conditioning. Uusally we're the cool spot, especially since it's only June, one more day of heat and we'll be back to coolish spring temps.

Stay warm or cool, everyone, back to the pool for me (unfortunately, not in it...)


  Re: OT - crazy weather! pjcooks It's 93 right now wi...
Hello...I have been busy with heavy rain and an internet with wires underground that have not been working. I am waiting for the furnace/air conditioning guys to come some time as the brand new furnace and the a/c are no longer functional after this morning when we awoke to a basement WAIST deep in water and the sump pump pumping back out into a yard that made my house look like it was totally surrounded...pictures will be emailed in the next day or so and please feel free to share. We have had tornadoes in the area (within 5 to 20 miles) severe thunderstorms and MAJOR flooding. The closest town to us is VERY flooded and we are expecting more heavy rain and storms this week. The yard went from mid-calf deep in the front yard to over knee deep in the back and it was about a square mile of TOTAL water coverage in the center of our block of open yards...not good. Even the outside smells musty. I am working closing shifts the next two days so I hope to get the basement shop vac'd and dry. We lost a lot of stuff and were still better off than others in our area.

If it wasn't for bad luck I do not think I'd have any at all...needless to say this is NOT a good time to play the lottery.
"Ponder well on this point: the pleasant hours of our life are all connected, by a more or less tangible link, with some memory of the table."-Charles Pierre Monselet, French author(1825-1888)

  Re: OT - crazy weather! firechef Hello...I have been ...
LJ I have been watching the weather for about two week now - what a
terrible time everyone is having.

I will be coming to Iowa tomarrow to be with my Mom - I will be there
for 4-6 weeks - so far she has not had the flooding she is on the Des Moines

So will be sending updates from Iowa

Everything will be all right in the end. So if it is not right, then it's not yet the end.

  Re: OT - crazy weather! mjkcooking LJ I have been wat...
Safe trip, Marye.
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  Re: OT - crazy weather! cjs Safe trip, Marye....
Just talked to our son in Indiana--he is working from home today--their interstates are flooded, but no one he knows is in distress.
"He who sups with the devil should have a. long spoon".
OT - crazy weather!

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