Here is an interesting list I keep on print and on the computer in case it is needed...

Conversion Tables, etc

1 kilogramme = 2.2046 lbs = 2lbs 3¼oz
7 grammes = ¼oz
14 grammes = ½oz
21 grammes = ¾oz
28 grammes = 1oz
453½ grammes = 1lb

1 litre = 35 fluid oz = 1¾ pints
½ litre = 17½ fluid oz
1 litre = 1000 cc (or ml - millilitres)

1 pint = 20 fluid oz = 568 cc
1 gill = 5 fluid oz (¼ pint) = 142 cc
Bottle Table Wine = 24 fluid oz = 680 cc

pound (lb) = 16 o

Electricity ºF Gas Regulo Centigrade
Cool oven 225 - 250 0 - ½ 107 - 121
Very slow oven 250 - 275 ½ - 1 121 - 135
Slow oven 275 - 300 1 - 2 135 - 149
Very moderate oven 300 - 350 2 - 3 149 - 177
Moderate oven 375 4 190
Moderately hot oven 400 5 204
Hot oven 425 - 450 6 - 7 218 - 233
Very hot oven 475 - 500 8 - 9 246 - 260

2 teaspoons = 1 dessertspoons
2 dessertspoons = 1 tablespoon
6 tablespoons = 1 teacup
2 tablespoons Water = ½ gill
1 teacup = 1 gill (or 5 fl ozs)
1 breakfast cup = ½ pint
1 tablespoon dry substance = 1 ounce
1 dessertspoon Butter = 1 ounce
1 breakfast cup Flour = ½ pound
1 pint Flour = 1 pound
"Ponder well on this point: the pleasant hours of our life are all connected, by a more or less tangible link, with some memory of the table."-Charles Pierre Monselet, French author(1825-1888)

  for iBcookin and others... firechef Here is an interesti...
Sorry it didn't line up right...any questions I will try to clear it up.

www.hub-uk.com has a bunch of this stuff and is where I get most of it from.
"Ponder well on this point: the pleasant hours of our life are all connected, by a more or less tangible link, with some memory of the table."-Charles Pierre Monselet, French author(1825-1888)

  Re: for iBcookin and others... firechef Sorry it didn't line...
Another one that's handy is http://www.gourmetsleuth.com/cookingconversions.asp, which gives various conversions by food item.
If blueberry muffins have blueberries in them, what do vegan muffins have?

  Re: for iBcookin and others... labradors Another one that's h...
One I looked up yesterday...1 clove garlic chopped = 1 tsp
1 clove garlic minced = 1/2 tsp
Don't wait too long to tell someone you love them.


  Re: for iBcookin and others... bjcotton One I looked up yest...
That is an interesting one Labs. Had never thought that way about stuff.
"Ponder well on this point: the pleasant hours of our life are all connected, by a more or less tangible link, with some memory of the table."-Charles Pierre Monselet, French author(1825-1888)

  Re: for iBcookin and others... firechef That is an interesti...
It has made a number of things easier. Have had that bookmarked for a couple of years.
If blueberry muffins have blueberries in them, what do vegan muffins have?

  Re: for iBcookin and others... labradors It has made a number...
Did the same today. So I will have to go play some with that so I am comfortable enough with it to pretty much do it blindfolded.
"Ponder well on this point: the pleasant hours of our life are all connected, by a more or less tangible link, with some memory of the table."-Charles Pierre Monselet, French author(1825-1888)

  Re: for iBcookin and others... firechef Did the same today. ...
You guys are too much! Many thanks for the info, so now when I get inspired to do some exotic cooking I won't have any excuses!
for iBcookin and others...

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