I was tied up with a bunch of things today anad did not have the time to check your posts so quickly browsed through the C@H issues and decided to make this on a whim---

THIS IS REALLY GOOD!!!! Peter ate every last drop---not a big soup lover...so IMHO that said it all.

I used a combo of buttons, shitakes, enokis and creminis....I did not have fresh dill but added some dried and it was a wonderful addition. I touched it at the end with some snipped chives with the sour cream (just a small dollop!! ) The slice of lemon was different but a pretty part of the presentation.

I will definitely make this one again---most mushroom soups I have made before are quite heavy on the creams and milks---one could eliminate the cream completely on this one and have a great tasting, nice textured result!! (which I did--) The sour cream touch at the end was more than enough.

BTW--served with a light salad with oven fried chicken fingers (from Issue 64) NICE!!!!
"Never eat more than you can lift" Miss Piggy

  Mushroom soup--Splendid Soups Review Roxanne 21 I was tied up with a...
Haven't made this one yet - I'll add your review to the page - thanks, Roxanne.

Ohhhh, the Risotto Alfredo on the same page looks great too!!! oh my.
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.
  Mushroom soup--Splendid Soups Review Roxanne 21 I was tied up with a...
I use a recipe I found in Gourmet. What I love about it is the way it treats the dried porcini mushrooms. Instead of going through all the steps of soaking and straining the liquid, I just put the dried mushrooms into the food processor and process it into powder and proceed with the recipe.
  Mushroom soup--Splendid Soups Review Roxanne 21 I was tied up with a...
Have to keep this one in the lineup for Fall-I love a good mushroom soup, just need to invite some mushroom lovers to lunch, I guess!

Mushroom soup--Splendid Soups Review

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