Oh, is this a yummy one! It's an old Gourmet idea - cut serrano ham into triangles (3"X2"X2").

The recipe said to fry in 1/4" oil over moderate heat in batches, turning occasionally, till crisp and a shade darker, about 1 minute.

I baked mine in the oven 400 for ~6-8 minutes. Immediately remove to a rack to drain off any residual oil and let cool. They get nice and crispy.

The recipe suggests topping with quince preserves or "membrillo" (quince paste) and Manchego Cheese, pressing the cheese into the preserves.

I did not want to go to the store so used what I had - I topped the 'chips' with a sweet/spicy chutney from Argentina....(long story, old friend who doesn't care for me anymore, but I'm sure not above using his products!! ) and a dollop of goat cheese!

This is so good! I also made up some more of the prosciutto, brie and apricot jam 'logs'. Our favorite local winery is having a jazz event (The Jeni Fleming Trio) this evening and we're all to bring our own "light munchies" and they will provide the wine. So, I have to do a little selling tonite also...will make more than Roy & I can eat...

Anyway, this is a fun thing to play with - all the possibilities to top the chips with.
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  A New Hors - Serrano Chips!! cjs Oh, is this a yummy ...
I was just certain you'd figured out another pepper treat!

Gee these sound good too!
You only live once . . . but if you do it right once should be enough!

  Re: A New Hors - Serrano Chips!! Harborwitch I was just certain y...
I thought the same thing! Jean must be doing something with peppers again!

Well, anyway, this sounds just yummy! Jean, what do you think is in that sweet/spicy chutney from Argentina? Can you describe it? I'll be making this one as soon as I get to the store.


"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."

  Re: A New Hors - Serrano Chips!! Mare749 I thought the same t...
I do have a lot of his recipes, so I'll look thru them and see which maybe it is. Lorraine has made a lot of them also, so I'll check with her too.

a P.S. on the 'chips'. I made them about noon and we didn't eat them until about 7:30 p.m. By then, they weren't crisp as they were initially, they were still very tasty, but getting on the verge of 'an easy to eat jerky' - if that makes sense. So, I wouldn't make them more that 2 hours ahead next time. Everyone who tasted really like the combination - so, I'm with you, Maryan, I hope I figure out which chutney and if I have the recipe for it!

And the music was wonderful - bot two of their c.d.s!
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  Re: A New Hors - Serrano Chips!! cjs I do have a lot of h...
CJS, can you tell me about the prosciutto, brie, and apricot jam logs? Sounds like a great combination of salty, creamy, and sweet. Yum! :-)

"One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well." Virginia Woolf

  Re: A New Hors - Serrano Chips!! jenni CJS, can you tell me...
Jenny, I laid out a strip of prosciutto and cut it in half accross - so I had two wide shorter strips.

Lay a small basil leaf 1/2-3/4" from one end of the proscuitto and at the edge.

For the brie I scraped the top and bottom of crust with the back of a knife (just to make it more pliable), and just work your way up the wedge of cheese, cutting about 3/8-1/2" slices - as you work to the wider portion, you will be able to get three pces. per slice.

working with a pc. of cheese about 1" long, work into a little cylinder and lay on the leaf of basil.

Top this with just a small dollp of jam (too much will leak out). Fold over the edge with nothing on it over the cheese and jam, then roll from the bottom up. Lay on platter basil leaf down to help the jam from leaking out. I made them early in the day and served about 7:30 and none had leaked, so that works.

It's a tasty little treat!

(jenni, let me know if something isn't clear in the directions)
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  Re: A New Hors - Serrano Chips!! cjs Jenny, I laid out a ...
Gosh, those sound really good too, Jean! Did I tell you about the duck appy that I tasted recently?

Two young chefs that went to Johnson & Wales together started a catering biz and they specialize in appetizers. They did a demo at the Botanical Gardens a few weeks ago.
Marinaded, grilled duck breast, sliced thin and rolled up with basil leaves, then cut into bite size and speared with a skewer. Very yummy.


"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."
  Re: A New Hors - Serrano Chips!! cjs Jenny, I laid out a ...
Sounds pretty straightforward. Thank you!

"One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well." Virginia Woolf
  Re: A New Hors - Serrano Chips!! cjs Jenny, I laid out a ...
could someone post the name of the book on Catering?
was listed a few weeks ago
Also having trouble posting a new question?
Everything will be all right in the end. So if it is not right, then it's not yet the end.
  A New Hors - Serrano Chips!! cjs Oh, is this a yummy ...

I did not want to go to the store so used what I had - I topped the 'chips' with a sweet/spicy chutney from Argentina....(long story, old friend who doesn't care for me anymore, but I'm sure not above using his products!! ) and a dollop of goat cheese!

lolol...the Argentinian aka Venezuelean suggests cooking the Serrano
between 2 sheets of parchment paper for an hour to achieve a wonderful crispness sans oil.
I can imagine how wonderful those 2 dozen jars or so of Clive's yummy produce must have been Jean! I am so ENVIOUS that I have not yet tried his Smoked Tomato Chutney and all the others. Did you manage to send some on to anyone else? I know he suggested that would be nice given the huge distance from Arge...umm, Venezuela to America.

I am determined to con Clive into sending me some samples. Maybe I can find a market for his produce here!
Can you review those particular chutneys/relishes? That would be interesting for all C@H'ers Im sure!
A New Hors - Serrano Chips!!

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