Looking at my radar, it looks like you are getting some needed precipitation - hope it is enough. We have gone from drought to growing mushrooms in the last month, so maybe you are next.

  Hey, Jan... Ron Looking at my radar,...
It rained for the first time in 3 weeks here today. Half way home, the sky got as dark as midnight. Then the thunder, lightening, and rain started. Couldn't see 10 ft in front of us. I was hoping for a nice gentle rain all day. Oh well.
Practice safe lunch. Use a condiment.
  Hey, Jan... Ron Looking at my radar,...
I don't know how any of the farmers in the area are going to survive. Now we are down 13"! I guess the farmers w/ too much rain are having another problem, flooding.

What a mess this is! Have your winds died down any? Mr HB is fishing as we speak. Golf in the morning, fishing in the afternoon and evening. He's having a ball!

Please spay and neuter your pets.

  Re: Hey, Jan... Half_Baked I don't know how any...
Weather here has been extremes - first drought, then violent rainstorms and now, wind. Some of the younger trees even have a bit of a bend to them at the top. The wind finally seems to be subsiding and I'm hopeful of getting out on the lake tomorrow.
Hey, Jan...

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