Thought I'd share this picture of the egg separator "Booger Boy" that I bought a couple of years ago. Don't see many of these around....

[Image: BoogerBoy002.jpg]

You crack the egg and pour the yolk and white in the top; then you tilt the separator forward towards its face and the white drains out his nose
Don't wait too long to tell someone you love them.


  My Egg Separator bjcotton Thought I'd share th...
Hahahahahahahahahahaharrrrrrrr. Thats hilarious.

  Re: My Egg Separator vannin Hahahahahahahahahaha...
Ok that is just so wrong on about 15 different levels...

I must have one!

Where on earth did you find that? That is just hysterical.
  My Egg Separator bjcotton Thought I'd share th...
That is just too funny! Where in the world did you find him?? I want one too!


"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."
  My Egg Separator bjcotton Thought I'd share th...
OH YUCK!!!!! Where do I get one???

Now if that doesn't turn you away from egg whites---nothin' will-------
"Never eat more than you can lift" Miss Piggy

  Re: My Egg Separator Roxanne 21 OH YUCK!!!!! Wher...
If you go to www.stupid.com you can find one if they're still available. Try here under kitchen kraziness: http://www.stupid.com/stat/BORS.html
Don't wait too long to tell someone you love them.


  Re: My Egg Separator bjcotton If you go to [url=ht...

Just what I need--another "gadget" But this one is a gotta have-----if only for a conversation piece----YIPPEE

Thanks Billy---I will check it out!!!
"Never eat more than you can lift" Miss Piggy
  My Egg Separator bjcotton Thought I'd share th...
How funny you should post that! I was separating eggs the other day and thought of that thing! How stupid did I look rolling around the kitchen laughing at the memory of the last time you posted that!
You only live once . . . but if you do it right once should be enough!

  Re: My Egg Separator Harborwitch How funny you should...
I don't want one good people, I NEED one.
My Egg Separator

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