I emailed those of you that I have addresses for the information I acquired on the amount of potassium you require each day to keep your clock ticking. If I missed anyone and you want the info, PM me your email addy and I will send it to you. It is very important to keep your sodium and potassium levels up. You're supposed to have at least 4.7grams of potassium per day, more if you are athletic. I have a nice sheet that explains what has a good level of potassium in it.
Don't wait too long to tell someone you love them.


  Email and Potassium bjcotton I emailed those of y...
Thanks Billy, I printed it out and put it in the kitchen.

Please spay and neuter your pets.
  Email and Potassium bjcotton I emailed those of y...
Thank you Billy! We watch it around here, eat a lot out of the first column.
You only live once . . . but if you do it right once should be enough!
Email and Potassium

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