I have had the same titanium frames for the last 3 prescritions and was going to have my 4th prescription put in them. My SIL Verna, who is the office manager at the optometrist said they didn't make them anymore so I needed new frames. Well, in order to see the computer screen I needed tri-focals..not happening. I can never find the tri part [have had them before]. So, they made me a different pair for the computer. The only thing is, I can see the screen perfectly, but nothing else...like the keyboard. I forgot to get bifocals in them. Not being used to switching glasses I almost always get up and do something else and wonder why I can see worth a darn. It usually takes me a few minutes to remember to go back and change glasses. I think I'll end up paying for a third pair, but these with bifocals...sheesh!
Don't wait too long to tell someone you love them.


  New Glasses bjcotton I have had the same ...
*Well, in order to see the computer screen I needed tri-focals..not happening.*
I can't even imagine tri-focals. I've tried bi-focals and fell down the stairs. I just can't walk with them and they were too dangerous for me to try to get used to ... Wonder if I was chewing gum, too?

*Not being used to switching glasses I almost always get up and do something else and wonder why I can see worth a darn. It usually takes me a few minutes to remember to go back and change glasses.*
This happens to Mr HB, also. He just fusses with himself as he stomps back down to exchange them.

I'm very unhappy with my glasses, too. If I wear my contacts, I have to use the cheaters to read or see anything close. With my glasses, I can't read a book so I take them off. On the computer, I either have my nose on the screen or leaning back reading, depending on the font.

Please spay and neuter your pets.
  New Glasses bjcotton I have had the same ...
I can really relate to what you are going through, Billy. It's really hard to find a happy medium. Have you considered Lasik? I had mine done 3 years ago and it's great.


"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."

  Re: New Glasses Mare749 I can really relate ...
I've worn glasses for almost 55 years. I'd feel naked without them. I wore contacts for a while, but always had to wear sunglasses with them outside or in bright lights. I can read without glasses, but am not comfortable without them.
Don't wait too long to tell someone you love them.

  New Glasses bjcotton I have had the same ...
I've switched from glasses to dual vision contacts. Kind of wierd to get used to, but now it's great. Just don't like to do night driving in them.

It's hell getting old, isn't it! But it's better than the alternative.
New Glasses

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