I'm not a big spinach fan. A while back I purchased a box of frozen Birds Eye spinach, with good intentions. Now, it is far and away the senior item in my freezer. I don't really want to make a quiche or souffle or anything exotic with it. I'd be interested in a side dish composed mainly of spinach like a creamed spinach or cheesy spinach if anyone has such a recipe.

  Spinach... Ron I'm not a big spinac...
Ron, I cook the spinach in the microwave, then put it in a kitchen towel and twist til it's dry and then cut it in thin slivers or chop. I also add a twist or two of nutmeg.

I saute minced garlic in some butter or evoo, add and cook a cup of white or brown rice with appropriate amount of water.

Mix the spinach and rice with all the leftover cheeses in the frig.

I love this and it's different every time.

Please spay and neuter your pets.

  Re: Spinach... Half_Baked Ron, I cook the spin...
I happen to love spinach no matter how it's cooked, but that sounds excellent! I often do that with other cooked vegetables, usually leftovers, then have it for lunch the next day.


"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."

  Re: Spinach... Mare749 I happen to love spi...
I make egg white omelettes and use this as the filling. It doesn't get much healthier than that. I love brown rice.

Please spay and neuter your pets.
  Spinach... Ron I'm not a big spinac...
I was thinking cream OR cheese. Cream AND cheese sounds good. Anyone do a Mornay sauce over spinach?

  Re: Spinach... Ron I was thinking cream...
A Mornay sauce over spinach makes my mouth water. Great!

Please spay and neuter your pets.

  Re: Spinach... Half_Baked A Mornay sauce over ...
How about this?

* Exported from MasterCook *

Garlic Creamed Spinach

Recipe By :Bill Cotton
Serving Size : 4 Preparation Time :0:05
Categories : Fruits-Vegetables

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method
-------- ------------ --------------------------------
2 pounds spinach
1 teaspoon salt
2 cloves garlic -- smashed
1/4 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
1/3 cup heavy cream
salt and freshly ground black pepper -- to taste

Remove the tough stems from the spinach and blanch in a large pot of boiling water that has been seasoned with salt for about 10-15 seconds.

Drain and rinse under cold water. Squeeze the excess water from the spinach. Put the spinach in a Potato Ricer and it will squeeze it almost dry.

Just before you are ready to serve spinach, bring the cream, nutmeg and garlic to a boil in a medium saucepan and season with salt and pepper. The cream will begin to thicken after about 3 to 5 minutes, but be careful not to let it burn (cream will boil over if not watched carefully). Remove smashed garlic from cream and discard.

When the cream gets really thick, add the spinach, reduce heat and stir to completely coat the spinach. Once the spinach has absorbed the cream, it is ready to serve.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Don't wait too long to tell someone you love them.

  Spinach... Ron I'm not a big spinac...
because I threw out the book after he had been a convicted pedophile, but nuke the spinach in its paper box (remove the wrapper if its foil) for a few minutes and squeeze out the liquid and spread on the bottom of a shallow casserole dish. Cover with a layer of sliced fresh mushrooms seasoned with salt, pepper and thyme. Bake at 350 until the mushrooms start to sweat. Then cover with sour cream mixed with grated cheddar cheese (2:1 I think) and return to oven and bake until bubbly.
  Spinach... Ron I'm not a big spinac...
If you are looking for other options than a side dish...

We love the indian stuffed chicken breasts with curry beurr blanc and it uses a box of frozen spinach. Issue 40 I think.

I also make a great sausage, barley and mushroom soup that you add a box of spinach to at the end. It is great!
If you want the recipe let me know.
Mom to three wonderful 7th graders!
The time is flying by.

  Re: Spinach... esgunn If you are looking f...
It is rather good with sour cream stirred in when it is hot.

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