Monday's Dinner - 6/26/17

What's for dinner today?

I didn't get to the goat cheese pesto appie I want to try for the 4th yesterday, so hopefully today. Also, a Healthy Heart dish - Shrimp & Cabbage on Capellini
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  DINNER THREAD, 6/26/17 - 7/2/16 cjs [b][u][size=medium]M...
Wow, that sounds good!

Ron cooked a lot of chicken yesterday, so we kept a few pieces here to have tonight. I'm going to stir fry some fresh veggies to go with. Watermelon for dessert.

I got lucky picking the watermelon this time. We saw a farmer on TV who showed/described how to pick a sweet one and it worked. He said that it should have a good "sun spot" on the bottom with lots of spider webbing. I never knew that and used to pass those up thinking they had sat around on the ground too long! He also said to never buy a melon that still has some of the stem attached. It won't be sweet.

"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."
  DINNER THREAD, 6/26/17 - 7/2/16 cjs [b][u][size=medium]M...
the yellow spot I knew about, but did not know about the stem still attached. Good to know.
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.
  DINNER THREAD, 6/26/17 - 7/2/16 cjs [b][u][size=medium]M...
I never knew any of this!  Another thing that the farmer said was that the female melons (rounder) are generally sweeter than the male melons which are more egg shaped.  Not sure if I agree with that one or not. And lastly, he said that you want to look for a medium sized melon rather than the largest one you can find.

"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."
  DINNER THREAD, 6/26/17 - 7/2/16 cjs [b][u][size=medium]M...
Our landlords, who also happen to be good friends, have invited us to share watermelon twice in the past week.  One was given to them by a camper that have a farm in GA!  So good!!!

Dinner was really late, so I got the Chicken and Broccoli Alfredo.
Keep your mind wide open.
  DINNER THREAD, 6/26/17 - 7/2/16 cjs [b][u][size=medium]M...
one more sign of a good melon - heavy = means lots of juicy goodness Smile
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.
  DINNER THREAD, 6/26/17 - 7/2/16 cjs [b][u][size=medium]M...
Tuesday's Dinner - 6/27/17??

What's for dinner today?? 

I need to use up the leftover lamb chop, so will do a  Pork Lamb & Ramen stir-fry. Then I have to work on the leftovers from the Shrimp Pasta & cabbage.... Smile
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.
  DINNER THREAD, 6/26/17 - 7/2/16 cjs [b][u][size=medium]M...
Ron will be grilling rib-eyes and I will make a caesar salad for a side.

I'm so excited today. My front porch is finally getting rebuilt. It was supposed to be done weeks ago, but with all the rain, the bricklayers got behind.

"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."
  DINNER THREAD, 6/26/17 - 7/2/16 cjs [b][u][size=medium]M...
I have given up on watermelon.  Someone said that grilling it will fix me.  Nope.  I think it's a texture thing because I love the flavor.  Watermelon Martini's - OMG.

Last night's dinner was amazing.  I had the flank steak cooked sous vide for at 131 f for 8 hours Saturday.  Jeff wanted a pizza dinner so I put the flank in the fridge.  We took it out last night.  I seared it a 485 f cast iron skillet to brown it.  It was seasoned with salt & pepper before going in the sous vide -and it was perfectly seasoned, juicy, and fork tender!

Because it was a work night we added a salad and mashed potatoes.  But, oh the mashed potatoes!  Billy had been trying to get me to try the instant mashed potatoes from Costco.  Bob and I would look at them, remember how highly Billy recommended them for years and years.  We finally tried them this year and Billy was right.  They are also the perfect foil for so many goodies.  Last night I shredded Parm. and Romano into a little jar and filled the jar with applewood smoke, sealed the jar and shook it well to distribute the smoke.  It sat with the smoke until I added it to the mashed potatoes and all I can say is OMG.  I'm going to use my smoking gun more often for mashed potatoes.
You only live once . . . but if you do it right once should be enough!
  DINNER THREAD, 6/26/17 - 7/2/16 cjs [b][u][size=medium]M...
Watermelon martinis? How do you make those? (I don't even know how to make a regular martini)

Did anyone else see the strawberry jello shots (non-alcohol) on FB yesterday? They look so good. All you have to do is use a melon baller to create a cup in the strawberry, dip the rim of the "cup" in sugar, then fill with strawberry gelatin. After it has set, top with whipped cream and crushed cookie crumbs.

"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."
DINNER THREAD, 6/26/17 - 7/2/16

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