What's on the menu for today??

My plans are so screwed up - I wanted to get ahead on meal planning so I could get some work done....and then we end up going some place and eating and throwing the plans in the toilet! Yesterday was laundry day - have I mentioned how much I hate laundry day on the road????

I always have 5 loads of wash and 3 loads to use dryers. Got my wash loads in and looked over and noticed 'out of order' signs on THREE of the four dryers!

So, had to finish washing 4 of the loads (only 4 washers) and had to schlep everything across the park to the other laundry room. What a pain in the rear.

So, at 11:30 I just said we're going out to eat or it will be really late when we do. So, my beautiful leftover day (Salisbury steak) will be for today.

Why am I telling all this? Because now the pork roast I have thawed I have to cook on New Year's eve and that blows my N.Y.s plan to hell. sigh.............
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  Tuesday's Dinner, 12/30/14 cjs What's on the menu f...
That does sound like a real PIA, Jean. I remember what that was like when we had our trailer in Pa.for ten years and would stay there with the girls for weeks at a time in the summer. We didn't have washers in the campground, so had to put bags of laundry in the car with our laundry baskets and drive to a laundromat. We never liked that day, but at least we didn't have to schlep wet clothes to another location!

I prepped beef stew last night and put it all in the crockpot this morning. The house is smelling good already. Will probably make some crescent rolls to go with it.

"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."

  Re: Tuesday's Dinner, 12/30/14 Mare749 That does sound like...
Oh no, that would irritate the hell out of me. I can see one being out of order, but 3 of 4? Part of the campground fee is having access to "working" facilities.

I am going to make the spicy lacquered short ribs many of you have made. Glad I read some reviews and will cut down on the sriacha. I am going to make them in a dutch oven though instead of transferring them after browning to a slow cooker.

Either rice or some kind of ramen side (and napa cabbage) with it.

  Re: Tuesday's Dinner, 12/30/14 Trixxee Oh no, that would ir...
Just chicken wings and an avocado salad.

Jean---I had several of those nightmare days as well....except I wasn't "camping". Early days with a baby and no washer and dryer. Laundromat was catch if you can We manage, though. !!! Trials and tribulations keep us energetic, no??
"Never eat more than you can lift" Miss Piggy

  Re: Tuesday's Dinner, 12/30/14 Roxanne 21 Just chicken wings a...
Oh this thread is really going to take a detour!!!

"Early days with a baby and no washer and dryer."

For my first three kids, I had a wringer washing machine and a clothes line - we're talking cloth diaper days NO pampers!!

When Mattie came along, the kids dad (finagled - or stole, who knows ) a dryer and someone, probably my mom gave me 6 mos. diaper service!!! I thought I'd died and gone to heaven.
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  Re: Tuesday's Dinner, 12/30/14 cjs Oh this thread is re...
I dislike Laundromats and diapers with a passion.

From the new issue I'm making Pretzel Crusted Chicken with Honey-Mustard and a side of broccoli.

  Re: Tuesday's Dinner, 12/30/14 losblanos1 I dislike Laundromat...
During the remodel years ago, with three teens, I would visit the laundromat and hated it!!!!! Bless your heart, Jean!

The byproduct of Ashley's chicken salad lesson with Nana last Friday was chicken broth. I had purchased some good frozen butterbeans and left them in the fridge to thaw (secret to making good butterbeans with frozen). That was supposed to be Saturday's dinner. Thankfully, we have gotten home in time to save it all for tonight's dinner of Chicken Pastry and butterbeans.
Keep your mind wide open.
Tuesday's Dinner, 12/30/14

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