I was talking to Jennifer (youngest daughter) the other day and she dropped a bomb on me.

She worked at a very high end restaurant & cognac bar for a few days - before the fact that they had no business (hard sell on $800 a shot cognac?) convinced her to quit. She was describing what they called a "Truffletini", rim a martini glass with truffle salt, top shelf vodka (I know not really a martini ) martini, garnish with 3 or 4 blue cheese stuffed olives. I just need the olives I want this so badly.

I had to google it - and found this! Talk about gilding the lilly: Gilded lilly!
You only live once . . . but if you do it right once should be enough!

  Gilding the Lilly - booze wise. Harborwitch I was talking to Jen...
OMG! This SO the cocktail I'm making forWilliam's birthday next month! He'll FLIP!!!!! Thanks Sharon!
Keep your mind wide open.

  Re: Gilding the Lilly - booze wise. Gourmet_Mom OMG! This SO the coc...
I have another one to think about . . . it involves tequila
You only live once . . . but if you do it right once should be enough!
Gilding the Lilly - booze wise.

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