For those of you who grow your own grapes, or have access to a winery, you might like this. Last year, the Winemaker gave us a 10 gallon pail of grape mash (the leftovers after being pressed). We used it as a bed to roast a turkey on, then used the juices to make a gravy, that was fabulous. This year, he gave us the mash from Petit Mensang grapes. These had not been crushed or fermented as long. We put them in a stock pot with a bit of water, and simmered them for several hours. I wanted to make a jelly, so strained them, added sugar and Dutch Jell, but I could not get it to set. The end result was a thick syrup, that is great served with cheese. He has more mash for us (not sure what kind), so I'll be making more syrup next week.
Practice safe lunch. Use a condiment.

  Grape Mash Lorraine For those of you who...
Sounds like that 'syrup' would be great drizzled over a fruit and cheese platter, Lorraine!! That mash is fun to play with.

Some more ideas for using it - one winery here in town spreads it aroud their shrubery. It looks good and smells grapey/musty and not the least off putting. Also, a friend of our grandson's who works with his dad in concrete told us at the Pig BBQ that a portion of the mashed grapes is now being used as a driveway paving. Evidently it hardens and can be driven on.

It's really interesting what's being done with the 'gunk.'
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.
  Grape Mash Lorraine For those of you who...
That sounds really good, Lorraine! You have a real knack for turning a failure into a success!
Keep your mind wide open.

  Re: Grape Mash Gourmet_Mom That sounds really g...
Now that sounds special---I must inform son-in-law about this----he will come up with a great idea for the mash...
"Never eat more than you can lift" Miss Piggy

  Re: Grape Mash Roxanne 21 Now that sounds spec...
That sounds really awesome Lorraine! What a creative idea!

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Then find someone whose life has given them vodka.

  Re: Grape Mash BarbaraS That sounds really a...
That sounds delicious, Lorraine. Don't forget to save some for yourself to drizzle on pancakes.

"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."
Grape Mash

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