What's on the menu for today?

All are coming over here this a.m. for a pizza and Champagne brunch. I'm digging thru the freezer to see what I have for toppings. Going to be a mish mash, that's for sure. We'll do good old hamburgers at Tracie's for tonight. Fun food day.
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  What's for Sunday Dinner, 9/16?? cjs What's on the menu f...
Sounds fun Jean! I'm on my own for dinner as Tony just left for a big company shindig (tailgate party and San Diego Charger game). He won't be home until after 9:00 I think.

I'm going to repeat last night's dinner. Chicken cutlets with an almond butter sauce. I also used my new handy dandy vegetable cutter (that's an I Love Lucy reference by the way) to make baked french fries. Will do those again too. The only thing missing from last night's dinner is the asparagus. Blane, will carrots do?
  What's for Sunday Dinner, 9/16?? cjs What's on the menu f...
We're having Korean-style Bulgogi from issue 70. Jasmine rice for a side and green peas.

Sounds like a very fun food and family day, Jean!

"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."
  What's for Sunday Dinner, 9/16?? cjs What's on the menu f...
Shrimp Scampi over Linguine.

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Then find someone whose life has given them vodka.

  Re: What's for Sunday Dinner, 9/16?? BarbaraS Shrimp Scampi over L...
Have fun, Jean! It's a cabbage day here. Got a huge local one for 29 cents/lb. Made the filling for cabbage rolls, and I'll make stewed cabbage with the innards. Also got some local apples, so apple turnovers for dessert (need to use up some puff pastry).
Practice safe lunch. Use a condiment.
  Re: What's for Sunday Dinner, 9/16?? BarbaraS Shrimp Scampi over L...
Trixxee- Carrots are a great 2nd choice, maybe you could dye them green and make "mock-asparagus!

Grilled lobster tails/Beef Filets with butter sauce, sides of Maque Choux and Asparagus. I haven't made a dessert in quite awhile so from the new Cuisine Tonight for Two, Blueberry Swirl Cheesecakes.

  Re: What's for Sunday Dinner, 9/16?? losblanos1 Trixxee- Carrots are...
Grilled Dolphin, Fancy Macaroni and Cheese, and green beans.

Have fun, Jean!
Keep your mind wide open.

  Re: What's for Sunday Dinner, 9/16?? Gourmet_Mom Grilled Dolphin, Fan...
Picked up a pre-roasted chicken. Nothing fancy yet

  Re: What's for Sunday Dinner, 9/16?? DFen911 Picked up a pre-roas...
Oh man, the pig just turned out perfectly and my Grandson was so proud they had pulled this off!

[Image: ReadytoCarve5pm.jpg]

Then this morning, they all came over for pizza party - I had 6 crusts and many, many toppings ready to go and we made all kinds pizzas, had some real doozies. Joe (my soon to be grandson-in-law) who has been in the pizza business for 20 years and I had a ball tryng to outdo each other. I'm proud to say I stodd up to him.

Joe and Jean's cheesy, cheesy pizza cookoff -
[Image: JoeandJeanpizzacookoff.jpg]

Grandson Jimmy (on right) and Tyler's pizza creation - boy don't I wish I had another single granddduaghter. Tyler is as nice as he is cute!!
[Image: TylerandJimmyscreation.jpg]

This family is wearing us out - over to Tracie's for burgers tonight and then we all scatter in the wind tomorrow. But, what fun!
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  Re: What's for Sunday Dinner, 9/16?? cjs Oh man, the pig just...
Oh Jean what fun you must all be having!! I bet that pork was mouth watering. How long did it take to cook? Was it done over coals or wood?
What's for Sunday Dinner, 9/16??

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