Geez, I'm so out of touch with little ones, I don't have the slightest ideas what to get for Airien for his 5th birthday coming up while they will be here.

He's all boy. thanks for any help.
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  Great-Grandma Needs Birthday Help!! cjs Geez, I'm so out of ...
C'mon you guys!!! You're all younger than I am and more in tuned with this kind of stuff. 14 people have looked at this and no ideas????????????????????????????????
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  Re: Great-Grandma Needs Birthday Help!! cjs C'mon you guys!!! Yo...
Something kind of techno, like an iPhone or iPad type toy?
( not the real thing)
Empress for Life
  Re: Great-Grandma Needs Birthday Help!! cjs C'mon you guys!!! Yo...
Hmmmmm. Jean I have no idea . . . a fishing pole so he can go fishing with Grandpa Roy???
You only live once . . . but if you do it right once should be enough!

  Re: Great-Grandma Needs Birthday Help!! Harborwitch Hmmmmm. Jean I have...
Boys: Leggos, trucks, balls. If he is visiting something he can do while there. Something for the yard, but that won't fly to easily over the fence. It is hard to say without knowing him. Leggos or easy puzzles are good for inside. Balls, paddle balls, maybe something like lawn bowling. Just to have around for activities. Sidewalk chalk, bubbles, balloon badmitton (ballons and paperplates attched to popsicle sticks for rackets),squirt guns (you may get wet!). If there is a park nearbye a kite. Make popsicles together or for him out of juice and if you don't have a popsicle mold, paper cups.
Mom to three wonderful 7th graders!
The time is flying by.

  Re: Great-Grandma Needs Birthday Help!! esgunn Boys: Leggos, truc...
A couple more: My boys loved and still love the game connect 4. Neft balls, nerf basket ball, and if the parents are ok with it, nerf guns. They have so crazy big ones, but my boys really like the simpler versions of the nerf gun.
Mom to three wonderful 7th graders!
The time is flying by.

  Re: Great-Grandma Needs Birthday Help!! esgunn A couple more: My ...
Thanks Erin and Cis. good ideas.

Erin, " still love the game connect 4" - is the name of the game "Connect 4"??
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  Re: Great-Grandma Needs Birthday Help!! cjs Thanks Erin and Cis....
Yes that is the name. It is like a verticle tic tac toe game.
Mom to three wonderful 7th graders!
The time is flying by.
  Re: Great-Grandma Needs Birthday Help!! Harborwitch Hmmmmm. Jean I have...
Not sure how much you want to spend, Jean, but we got Tommy this for his last birthday and he loves it! (We got it for $50 at a garage sale )
[Image: June2012013.jpg]

Another favorite:
[Image: 542088_10151002052156103_1142053079_n.jpg]

If you still need another idea, Roy could always make him one of these:
[Image: Copy2ofSeptember2011023.jpg]

And Tommy's all-time favorite: (also from a garage sale)
[Image: Copy2ofSeptember2011039.jpg]

It even came with all these tools:
[Image: CopyofSeptember2011049.jpg]

Can you tell we are all really enjoying a boy?

Last, but not least, if you want to spring for something more pricey, you can't go wrong with an ipod touch. The kids love them! (I let their parents buy those)

ETA: I just thought of one more! In the picture of Tommy with his golf club, Alyssa is on one of those razor scooters. Tommy really likes that, too.

"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."

  Re: Great-Grandma Needs Birthday Help!! Mare749 Not sure how much yo...
Great ideas, you guys! It's been so long since mine were little, I was clueless! I love the idea of a toy workbench. Or why not a small set of his own tools and a birdhouse kit that he and Roy can build together while he's there? And a little utility belt or box for his tools.

BTW, if Roy is insulted by the birdhouse kit...LOL....he could always have everything precut before he gets there!
Keep your mind wide open.
Great-Grandma Needs Birthday Help!!

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