Good news and bad news:

Bad news: Well, I didn't get the job. Apparently someone who applied already had some 'in the classroom' experience. Which, I said I have none. Thinking about it afterward I could have made a good argument about that. Part of my teaching style with my daughter is making everywhere we go 'her classroom'. I try to never let an opportunity to learn pass us up. Not to mention the multitude of hours I have logged in the special ed classrooms at her side for three years.

Now on the other hand:

Good news: I didn't find out until I was already there that the MY hours would have begun at 8:30 am. Which is fine for me, I am usually up at 5-6 am every day. But for Maggie it would have disturbed her morning routine. Her bus doesn't come here until 8:30-8:45. She really enjoys taking the bus and I would have to find somewhere for Joe to go before this 8:30 am hour.

So, timewise, it was just not a good fit. I would have taken it, if it had been offered though.

Now I have some interview experience under my belt. I will be ready for the next one. Cause I will tell you another thing, I was REALLY nervous. I am sure it showed a little, but I hope not too much.
"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time."

  OT - My interview luvnit Good news and bad ne...
That's too bad it wasn't the right fit, Laura. Hopefully, something even better will come your way very soon.


"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."

  Re: OT - My interview Mare749 That's too bad it wa...
The first interview can be a really nerve racking experience and changing your "home" hours can be next to impossible at times. Good luck at your next interview.
Don't wait too long to tell someone you love them.

  Re: OT - My interview Mare749 That's too bad it wa...
Laura - It sounds like you did well. The more times you do it - just like about anything else - the easier it becomes. Interviewees are expected to be nervous - it's not good if you become catatonic, tho. Also, for classroom experience, it would have been fine for you to talk about your volunteer experience in the classroom. If you ever in your life did something akin to the skill they're asking for, the answer is "yes, I have experience with that" ... then if they probe the point further you need to be honest, and not apologetic.

  Re: OT - My interview HomeCulinarian Laura - It sounds li...
But you walked away with some information that you will be able to use for the next one!!! You did good, girl----it is always nerve-racking going for an interview....gets easier when you know what to expect. Now you will know how to handle some of the questions for the next one----what better experience than what you have.

Keep up that positive spirit!
"Never eat more than you can lift" Miss Piggy
  Re: OT - My interview Mare749 That's too bad it wa...
Oh thanks you guys for the support and encouragement. I am not that bummed. I was a little bit yesterday. But truthfully, there must be something out there that's a better fit. I did hear of a job at our other local elementary school, but it doesn't begin until fall. It's a support position for a kindergartener with autism. I'll have to see about that.
"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time."

  Re: OT - My interview luvnit Oh thanks you guys f...
Well, Laura, it sounds like it worked out like it needed to. I know getting the job would have helped, but to disturb Maggie in the middle of the year would have really been tough...on both of you. Like I kept telling LJ a while back...the right job is out there, you just have to wait for it...it'll find you.
Keep your mind wide open.

  Re: OT - My interview Gourmet_Mom Well, Laura, it soun...
Well I really don't want to leave my house in the morning before my kids leave for school. Maggie is not one that I can 'rush' in the morning. She goes at her own pace. Sure I've got some emergency strategies for tough days, but that wouldn't work for every day. She's too smart for that.

I know how difficult it is to get a job at the school, so I really just wanted a 'foot-in-the-door'. It will work out.

And seriously, if I just put my nose to the grindstone, I can make just as much or more from home. It just takes discipline and consistancy. But it would have been nice to get out of the house.
"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time."

  Re: OT - My interview luvnit Well I really don't ...
Things work out the way they're supposed to. I always remember 2 things: 1: I've never NOT gotten a job that I really wanted - right now you've got enough on your plate and I'd say this is for the best. When the right job comes along at the right time you WILL know and it will work out.

Settling for something just for the money is never good; pretty soon you realize that there's no passion and you'll resent every day. Which brings me to #2: I've never been fired from a job I WANTED.

Sometimes being your own boss is best!
You only live once . . . but if you do it right once should be enough!
  OT - My interview luvnit Good news and bad ne...
It all worked out for the best, didn't it? I agree, upsetting Maggie's routine isn't worth it. You have your first interview under your belt! It sounds like the Fall job might be a good one for you. I'll bet you slept easier last night

OT - My interview

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