14 more work wakeups. 2 more weekends in the house. The 3rd weekend, Im gone. I started a countdown at 100. I thought I had tons of time. Now I'm down to less than 3 weeks, and it's scary. Very scary. I have been going through closets, drawers etc, and am being ruthless. If I can buy it cheaper down there, it's gone.

I'm also trying to wind down at work. My two staff members that are taking over are probably beginning to hate me. I am being ruthless with them But, by the time I leave, they will be holding the banner high.

The movers did a walkabout over the phone with me. Too bad I forgot all the artwork, and the kitchen stuff. So, they will come in this week to give a proper estimate. I was very disappointed to find out that I cannot move anything down until they give me real status. The politics makes my head spin. Oh well.
Practice safe lunch. Use a condiment.

  Not Much Longer Lorraine 14 more work wakeups...
So the final countdown begins! How exciting! I assume you mean by real status...citizenship? How long is that going to take?

Can you have dual citizenship?
Keep your mind wide open.

  Re: Not Much Longer Gourmet_Mom So the final countdo...
They don't allow dual citizenship. As to how long it will take, who knows. I keep praying to the Citizenship gods every day. I've been hearing horror stories from friends at work of it taking as long as 3 years. And many thousands of dollars. I don't even want to know what my blood pressure is right now. Poor Gil, he hears me vent every night. I think both our stress levels are rising, and we are just not fun people to be around.
Practice safe lunch. Use a condiment.
  Not Much Longer Lorraine 14 more work wakeups...
Sending you good vibes and hugs, Lorraine, I know this is an exciting yet difficult time for you.

Good news is, you're almost there!!!


  Re: Not Much Longer pjcooks Sending you good vib...
Hey, Lorraine...we have a HUGE Fourth of July Festival in Southport every year. It's a 4 day celebration and is recognized as the North Carolina Fourth of July Festival. One of the events is a Naturalization Ceremony. My mom usually serves at the reception. We'd love to have you if this is part of your status recognition. You'd LOVE Southport...old fishing village, antique shops, historic homes, arts and crafts. The one thing you wouldn't like is the heat...but we'd still love to have you guys!
Keep your mind wide open.

  Re: Not Much Longer Gourmet_Mom Hey, Lorraine...we h...
Lorraine, deep breath in...now out...in...and out....all will be well

Very exciting things ahead! Just a few more days to go Good mojo coming your way.

  Re: Not Much Longer DFen911 Lorraine, deep breat...
" he hears me vent every night." - and being what the phone connections can be, I sure hope you're not disconnected very often......

I had no idea the hoops you were going to have to jump thru for all this to happen. Listen, if you need someone to vouch for you that you of a 'pretty good' character and you probably are not some little tart looking to get to the rich Americano, you know Roy and I would give it a lot of thought and probably do it. I mean, what are friends for anyway...
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.
  Re: Not Much Longer Gourmet_Mom Hey, Lorraine...we h...
Daphne, Southport sounds like my kind of town!

" are not some little tart looking to get to the rich Americano, "
Moi, a French tart?????

Maryann, my B&SIL will stay in the house for about 2 years, so my stuff can stay. The movers are coming this week to give me an estimate. They did one over the phone, but I had to keep phoning back saying "I forgot the artwork, I forgot the pots and pans, I forgot the ..". Should be interesting to see the final quote.

HC, I hope you don't mind if I pm you for some info. Not sure what a clean visa is, but Jean will vouch for me.
Practice safe lunch. Use a condiment.
  Not Much Longer Lorraine 14 more work wakeups...
Wow, that's incredible. So what are you suppose to do with your stuff in the meantime? Do you have to put everything in storage? What a shame that this is all so complicated. Hang in there, Lorraine.


"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."

  Re: Not Much Longer Mare749 Wow, that's incredib...
Part of my job is to work with foreign national employment. It is very complicated and the rules change frequently. Our best advice is to keep a clean visa - you suffer more in the long run if you get out of step with Homeland Security. Patience, patience, patience.
Not Much Longer

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