Well looking back on the whole trip now it doesn’t seem so bad.

I’m finally feeling better – actually cooked real dinners 3 nights this last week, my voice is still shot but the sore throat and coughing are subsiding. I still want to nap about 8 hours a day, but I’m fighting it! Up until the last couple days I’ve not posted much, just lurked and . . . .!

Now for the “Epilog”!

[Image: IMG_5946.jpg]

Here we are – a quiet moment toasting to a job well done! Well, at least done. When we arrived with the first food at the hall I asked Dawn to take pictures of the food as she got it plated. Too busy talking to do that. Oh well – we’re hoping that the professional photographers got some shots of the food.

Bob was in his glory – prepping the Pepperoni Asiago Pinwheels. Probably the most bang for the buck of anything we served!

[Image: IMG_5941.jpg]

The wedding was wonderful. Very small and intimate – the bride was beautiful and the groom was nervous!!! LOL Bob was very proud of his brother – 47 and finally married, for the first time.

[Image: IMG_5947_2.jpg]

We spent one afternoon exploring and shopping. We found a fantastic seafood market – I really wanted to go back and buy fish – but the weather was horrible. We did go to a great little Italian deli/meat market. I could not believe the prices – WOW! I could have filled several suitcases with excellent buys. Alas Bob reined me in and we just got stuff for a “family dinner” at Kathy and Bob’s. Their son Jason joined us so it was just a little stuffed pork loin for 6, Beauregard yams diced and cooked with apples, pears, & walnuts, and for crying out loud I don’t remember what else. Kathy, Dawn, and I had a good time drinking wine and cooking.

[Image: IMG_6028.jpg]

Maryann I do have to qualify my statement in retrospect. I really don’t “hate” Chicago. I just hate the airport!!! We’re looking forward to a visit to Ryan & Bertie in Chicago one of these days. I’m not ready to go traveling any time soon.
You only live once . . . but if you do it right once should be enough!

  Ohio Epilog - long and overdue! Harborwitch Well looking back on...
Wonderful pictures Sharon! Thanks so much for sharing. And I am so glad you are on the road to feeling better. It sure has been a bad year for the crud.

Now, how about a recipe for those Asiago pinwheels...
Mom to three wonderful 7th graders!
The time is flying by.

  Re: Ohio Epilog - long and overdue! esgunn Wonderful pictures S...
I can do that!
You only live once . . . but if you do it right once should be enough!

  Re: Ohio Epilog - long and overdue! Harborwitch I can do that! [img]...
Great pictures, Sharon -thanks for sharing with all of us. Your first professional is behind you, congratulations to you both!!

yes, recipes would be a good thing.
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  Re: Ohio Epilog - long and overdue! cjs Great pictures, Shar...
Thank you Jean! We learned a lot from that experience. I really can't imagine not having a better equipped kitchen. Of course they just don't eat like we do - and food is not central to their lives - they eat to live, not the other way around. I think the FoodSaver is integral! I should have made a lot of stuff here and packed it frozen to take.

I know I posted that crazy good Paula Dean corn salad recipe here - we made little corn tortilla cups and filled them with that corn salad. They went fast! The only change we made was to leave off the Fritos on the top.
You only live once . . . but if you do it right once should be enough!

  Re: Ohio Epilog - long and overdue! Harborwitch Thank you Jean! We ...
Great pictures Sharon! I hope you get a chance to lay your hands on some food pictures. What a GREAT first pro job...and for family no less. I would think it would be easier the first time, done for strangers...LOL! Thanks for sharing....cute couple! Now to check out those recipes!

BTW, I'm glad you guys are on the mend. I think we're on the uphill climb here, too! Finally! What a year for the crud!
Keep your mind wide open.

  Re: Ohio Epilog - long and overdue! Gourmet_Mom Great pictures Sharo...
That's good news!

We haven't been sick in 2 years! I guess it does catch up with you - with a vengence!! I don't ever want this again.
You only live once . . . but if you do it right once should be enough!

  Re: Ohio Epilog - long and overdue! Harborwitch That's good news![br...
Sharon, thanks for sharing your photos with us. I'm so glad you had a good time while you were here, in spite of the weather. I knew you didn't really hate Chicago and everyone hates the airport there! It's just plain nuts!

Now, one of these days, you will hopefully be back to visit again, and will have time to go to the West Side Market and some other fun places like that. I'm kind of curious about where you stayed when you were here. Was it a motel room, or did you find a cabin to rent out there?

"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."

  Re: Ohio Epilog - long and overdue! Mare749 Sharon, thanks for s...
Oh Sharon I LOVED the pictures!!! I am so glad you're feeling better and was able to post them. You look so happy and Bob must so incredibly proud of you

Well done!! Now...go to bed and get some rest!
  Re: Ohio Epilog - long and overdue! Mare749 Sharon, thanks for s...
We stayed at a Motel in Ashtabula that Bob's sister got for us. It was all knotty pine and cozy - kinda like a cabin. It was really nice - the most wonderful pillows!!!
You only live once . . . but if you do it right once should be enough!
Ohio Epilog - long and overdue!

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