Nicky is better, but this morning Chris was running a fever and I was not feeling quite chipper, so we snuggled in the couch and watched Ratatouille - the movie. It was a very cute movie, but the one thing that really suprised me was C@H was in the movie!!! In the begining Gustave is a famous chef with a 5 star restaurant in Paris. All the foodie magazines do covers on him, Gourmet, Bon Apetite, and Cuisine at Home! I was so surprised. I really feel sometimes that C&H is our little secret find. And here is was in the movie. Later in the movie they show the chef's office and he has posters of all the magazine covers and there it was again - right next to BA and Gourmet!

Just had to share!
Mom to three wonderful 7th graders!
The time is flying by.

  Ratatouille - The Movie esgunn Nicky is better, but...
I'm glad Nikki is better. Sorry Chris is feverish....isn't it the way with little ones...get one well, and another is sick. Mine weren't sick very often, but when they were, it would run through the family.

That is really cool about the movie. I have been wanting to see that one.
Keep your mind wide open.

  Re: Ratatouille - The Movie Gourmet_Mom I'm glad Nikki is be...
That is such a wicked awesome movie! I LOVE IT! It is one of my all time favourites!!! It ranks up there with Mary Poppins in my book...yes I have an odd taste in movies.

Thank you for giving me an excuse to pop it in Erin! You were right...pretty neat. Another neat thing...the publishers offices are not too far from the hotel my Taste of Elegance contest took place in Des Moines. The editorial offices are there as well. I may have to try arranging a "meeting" with the powers that be sometime!

Hope your little ones get better soon!!! I went "ahhhh" when I read your post picturing all of you on one couch with a big quilt or comforter over all of you. Poor things...Mom included of course!
"Ponder well on this point: the pleasant hours of our life are all connected, by a more or less tangible link, with some memory of the table."-Charles Pierre Monselet, French author(1825-1888)
  Ratatouille - The Movie esgunn Nicky is better, but...
I love "little chef"--the animation is so good--the cooking technique--even to the point that saffron is not only Spanish, but French--this movie should have been nominated for "Best Picture". ahh, but I do go on--Hollywood pays no attention to anyone but itself. Wal Mart has a bonus DVD for kids-really good--Alton Brown, Robert Irvine, Emiril, & (the best-I can't believe it!!!), Rachael Ray. She really works for kids--I'm going to use her show for my grandkids (I insist they call me Grandfather--they do--but once one said to me, "silly Grandfather"--I was not diminished).
"He who sups with the devil should have a. long spoon".

  Re: Ratatouille - The Movie Old Bay I love "little chef"...
It is an awesome movie. Bill, had you noticed the C@H reference? My Father In Law has the kids call him Grandfather - and they do!

I have the Wal-Mart edition, the kids wanted to watch it today and see the cooking - but We were already way over our quota on TV time - sick or not sick. I am such a mean mommy - but we will definitely watch it soon.

My kids are so emotional when it comes to movies - especially Stephanie. I really limit TV in our home. Most of the Disney movies - let alone any of the others - always have an evil villain and Steph just hates the conflict. She just cried and cried through this movie. Just the emotional turmoil. Not many can say their kids are TOO Empathetic these days huh?

Anyway, we really enjoyed it, and it was just what Dr. Mom ordered for the day...had been waiting for that day for a long time now. I have had that movie for months!
Mom to three wonderful 7th graders!
The time is flying by.

  Re: Ratatouille - The Movie esgunn It is an awesome mov...
I again refer you to Mary Poppins...very light on the actual "conflict." Most of it is geared towards the adults. Most little ones under the age of 7 or so miss it. I am almost 34 but have younger brothers and sisters that are almost 12, 9, 8 and 7 years old so I am familiar with "new" Disney and old Disney...too many of the old animated stuff has too much violence but many of the "musicals" such as Mary Poppins are pretty good since the conflict is mixed into the movie and is a lot easier to take...guess a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down...hehehe.

Glad everyone is feeling a bit better!
"Ponder well on this point: the pleasant hours of our life are all connected, by a more or less tangible link, with some memory of the table."-Charles Pierre Monselet, French author(1825-1888)
  Re: Ratatouille - The Movie esgunn It is an awesome mov...
Erin, I completely missed that. But, I have the movie sitting right here and I'm off to check it out. How fun!

BTW, I couldn't agree more about limiting TV viewing. They are better off on so many levels. My girls are grown now, and still watch very little TV. Even better, I noticed that they limit the grandbabies!

I hope everyone feels better soon. Take care of you.


"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."

  Re: Ratatouille - The Movie Mare749 Erin, I completely m...
I completely enjoyed that movie at the theatre with my son and did notice the Cuisine at Home references, and then completely forgot about them until you mentioned this!
Ratatouille - The Movie

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