For the first time in over 3 months I posted on my blog yesterday. Just a few hours later a "fellow foodie" commented to say that she had read one of the older threads on the CAH forum and found my blog address there. Naturally, I was curious about what thread was resurrected.

I would have been here, reporting in, in a day or two anyway because I am being forced to sit. And sit. And sit! You see, I have a broken leg/foot. And I'm going crazy!

It has been a heck of a year so far. Begin with the stomach flu for New Years, a natural gas leak in the house a week later, barely escaping a carbon monoxide leak 4 days later...

Note: we thought at first that the flu was back, then decided that the natural gas leak was the cause of the nausea and dizziness, but after that was fixed and the headaches were so severe that DH and I could barely stand... well, you don't have to hit us over the head-- we got the heck out of the house!.

Anyway, because we had to turn off the furnace while we awaited the carbon monoxide problem to be fixed, we slept in the living room next to the gas fireplace. I got up in the middle of the night, went upstairs to use the bathroom, then on my way downstairs I missed the last step. I was sleepy and my reaction time was "0", so I fell, hard, directly on my ankle and foot!

So here I am. Leg is in something called an "aircast", I am still in pain (this happened a week ago-- shouldn't it be better by now? I've never broken a bone before...), and I can't do anything. DH is learning to cook I sit at the table with my leg propped, chop veggies, and give directions. So far he has been great but in the last day or so the nerves, for both of us, have been fraying.

Has anyone ever tried to explain how to use the washing machine/ dryer, to someone who hasn't done that sort of thing in 24 years, from the next room???

This is going to be a verrrry long 4-6 weeks!

For some reason, this past fall was so busy that I barely had time to try new recipes let alone post about them. I really missed this group! I did lurk a bit, but never seemed to have anything worthwhile to contribute. Hmmm, as I write this, I'm wondering if the problems I had during the past 3 or 4 months (which I rang up to "getting old") such as concentration problems, difficulty "finding words" when I was writing, lack of energy, etc. just may have been the first signs of the CO problem in the house... that's something to think about more.

Anyway, if you all won't mind a complete load joining in, I'll come back for visits even though I probably won't be contributing any new recipes or reviews.

my cooking adventures

  Look who's popping in again.... foodfiend For the first time i...
It will be very hard to try to give direction. I remember my husband had major surgery when I had 2 kids under 2. We were on vacation and he ended up in the hospital. Then he was released but couldn't travel for a week, so I had to find us a place on the first floor (no steps for him) and had to put together 2 port-a-cribs. He was telling me this was backwards and that piece was upside down. I was tempted to take the screwdriver to his stitches!

Think about take-out. It may be less stressful if this is going to be a six-week ordeal. Take it easy, and get well soon. Your fingers work well, so we'll look forward to hearing from you.


  Wow, that's some story lxxf It will be very hard...
Be glad you're not a horse...woulda shot ya by now...hope your year improves!
"Ponder well on this point: the pleasant hours of our life are all connected, by a more or less tangible link, with some memory of the table."-Charles Pierre Monselet, French author(1825-1888)

  Re: Wow, that's some story firechef Be glad you're not a...

Be glad you're not a horse...woulda shot ya by now...hope your year improves!

Well sweetie, tell her how you really feel... ...LOL!
Keep your mind wide open.
  Look who's popping in again.... foodfiend For the first time i...
Hi Vicci! I'm new here, but have known some of these guys from another forum for a while. I have been enjoying your post regarding your "control problem"...LOL! I don't mean to laugh in a mean way, but it appeared by the end of the thread you were dealing well with your "problem". I hope your summer went well with all the new ideas the "gang" offered. I guess I should go back and check.

Gee, a broken leg....a week? I'd be loosing my mind by now. At least you appear lucid. I probably have a worse control problem...nobody can clean, wash clothes, or cook good enough to suit me. I try though. I make the kids do their own clothes (I just try not to comment on their appearance when they leave the house.), help with the dishes (I usually rewash or at least rinse when I use them.)....but the cleaning....forget it!

So you see, you are not alone...LOL! There are many of us out there. I hope to get to know you better while you're convalescing. I don't think this crowd, from what I know or have learned about them will mind you not posting reviews. I think they will just be excited to see you here! Welcome back!
Keep your mind wide open.

  Re: Look who's popping in again.... Gourmet_Mom Hi Vicci! I'm new h...
Sally, how awful for that to happen at all much less on vacation! You were probably a saint through the whole ordeal... (everyone gives sympathy to the one who had the accident/ surgery/ illness, but it's their support system that needs emotional support just as much!)

Daphne, I received tons of help from everyone here and learned how to let go of the control a bit. It made things a lot easier and I hope to expand on that this coming summer! As for my situation now, DH and I are both used to my cooking so he is more than willing to spend 2 hours making dinner. If he wants to do it, I'm not going anywhere. Plus, it appears as though he will be a great sous chef once this passes! As for cleaning, I knew that he was a neat person but it seems as though he cleans the kitchen better than I do. I'm beginning to like that.

I'd be lots happier if I didn't have to crawl upstairs on my butt, backwards, three or four times a day.

my cooking adventures

  Re: Look who's popping in again.... foodfiend Sally, how awful for...
OH MY...you did mention you had "gone upstairs to use the bathroom" didn't you! Bless your heart! Just recently, hubby mentioned building a Charleston style home on our lot next to the house and selling the one we are in now. Then I got to thinking about it. We moved from a two story house to his "home place" which is one story and I have remodelled to suit me....well as close as possible. Go back to a bedroom suite on the second floor...HMMMM?...not without an elevator or one of those "stair seat" things! We aren't getting any younger!

At least hubby is willing. That is wonderful! Good for him! He'll get the hang of things quickly and think of the team work when you get better. This may be the beginnings of a whole new lifestyle! Wouldn't that be cool!
Keep your mind wide open.
  Look who's popping in again.... foodfiend For the first time i...

Just a few hours later a "fellow foodie" commented to say that she had read one of the older threads on the CAH forum and found my blog address there.

Hello there Vicci! I am the 'fellow foodie' who left you a message. I followed the link to your blog in the thread. I started reading old recipes and looking at your photos. Nice to see you here!

Sorry to hear about the leg, and the washer and dryer. I had to explain to my hubby how to make Malt-O-Meal this weekend and I nearly killed him! (Oh for crying out loud! Boil water, add malt-o-meal, stir. What is so difficult about that! Not a good morning) Oh well, we are over it now.

Glad you got curious and stopped in.
"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time."

  Re: Look who's popping in again.... luvnit [blockquote]Quote:[h...
Oh my, not a very auspicious beginning to the new year for you, Vicci!! Poor Babe! But, if it and Laura brings you back to the 'fold,' well...... Welcome back.
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.
  Look who's popping in again.... foodfiend For the first time i...
Welcome back, Vicci! Wow, what a terrible time you have had! No wonder you were MIA. Carbon monoxide poisoning is very frightening. I understand your frustrations with all you're facing at the moment, but I'm so relieved it wasn't worse!!

Sooo, you're off your feet for a while. It's tough on you, I'm sure (I'm a lot like you, I can't stand sitting still for a minute never mind a month) but think of all you can finally do without feeling guilty- like catching up with us all day

Glad to see you are on the mend!!

Look who's popping in again....

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