I know I am late with posting my new toys I got for Christmas, but I just had to share. I am so excited about them.

I got an Aerogarden for growing hydroponic herbs. It came with an herb seed kit and my basil, purple basil, parsley, thyme and chives are all coming up!

I got a cuisinart stainless steel 6 qt sauce/stock pot. Just the perfect size.

I got a Liss Dessert Chef cream wipper. The kids are happy about this one - whip cream anytime ready in the refrigerator.

Celebrate the Rain - Seattle Junior Leagues second cook book.

And a La Cloche. I made a batch of 18 hour bread and it worked perfect. Here is a picture.

[Image: DSCN3431.jpg]

And I got some pretty sparkly things from hubby too! It was such a good Christmas - even if I had one sick child before and one very sick one after.

Hope everyone enjoyed their holidays and has a happy new year.
Mom to three wonderful 7th graders!
The time is flying by.

  New Toys esgunn I know I am late wit...
Oh wow - that bread looks delectable!

The only kitchen-related things I got were a new Cuisinart Food Processor. I broke off a piece of plastic on my last one so the bowl top couldn't lock down. It did come with a free $80 value saucier pan. And my sister bought me some really cute kitchen towels (hey, without cute kitchen towels where would I be?). LOL.

  Re: New Toys Trixxee Oh wow - that bread ...
I didn't know what you were talking about until I Googled it. *whine* I don't have one of those! *whine* Yum!
Don't wait too long to tell someone you love them.


  Re: New Toys bjcotton I didn't know what y...
Billy - which one?
Mom to three wonderful 7th graders!
The time is flying by.

  Re: New Toys esgunn Billy - which one?...
Oh, the La Cloche I have a 14-cup Cuisinart Food Processor, and just about everything else you can think of, but you guys keep bringing up new things

Forgot to tell you, after preparing supper tonight and using the Salt Box Roy made me, I'm going to retire my Salt Pig with the Kosher salt, but keep the one with the Bay Salt.
Don't wait too long to tell someone you love them.


  Re: New Toys bjcotton Oh, the La Cloche [i...
" I don't have one of those! *whine* " - where is the 'yet' in that sentence, Billy?

I rec'd so many spices/blends and goodies to try - can't list them all, but they sure taste good.

Nigella Lawson's, How To Eat.
The Day Donny Herbert Woke Up by Rich Blake - well, I bought it for Roy 'cause I wanted to read it. Oh my, I cried thru the whole darn book!! What a beautiful story.
A Reporter's Life, Peter Jennings
The Year of Eating Dangerously Tom Parker Bowles
C@H's Holiday Menus

And of course, I got the pick of the salt boxes... By the way, Roy is now exploring the possibility of selling some of these wood products on the internet. It sure keeps him off the streets.

He's now working on rolling pins - he's made a couple out of the plum trees we took out of the yard last year. They are just gorgeous, just a hint of purple comes thru the grain - used mine for the first time yesterday and love the weight and feel of it.

Now I'm trying to think of other goodies he can turn on the lathe, or just projects for him out of wood - anyone have any ideas????
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  Re: New Toys cjs " I don't have one o...
I got a new Dutch oven -an enameled Lodge and a rice cooker. Can you believe it? After all these years it appears I have lost the ability to cook rice. For the last six months or so it's either underdone or could double as wallpaper paste! I guess there is just so much room in my little brain and some newly acquired skill knocked out the rice-making part. Who knew?
  Re: New Toys Trixxee Oh wow - that bread ...
That bread has me dribbling Erin.
  New Toys esgunn I know I am late wit...
Oh Erin that bread looks sooooooo good. So far I think a cloche, a Swedish dough mixer, and a grain mill (or getting my VitaMix fixed) are the only things on our list that we haven't gotten.

I ran with Bob today and on the way home we stopped at a Safeway in a really upscale neighborhood. They had an Issi cream whipper half price. HeeeeHeeee! I've wanted one for years and just couldn't justify the price.

Hey, I can make foams now too!!! Playtime.

I also got The Cuisine of California by Diane Rossen Worthington - there's some yummy looking goodies in there.

Aren't toys wonderful?????
You only live once . . . but if you do it right once should be enough!
  New Toys esgunn I know I am late wit...
Nice, Erin!!

I hope your punkins are on the mend, hard for them (and you) to be sick over Christmas.

In a few days, Jean, I'm sure Billy will be posting pictures of his "new toy"!

New Toys

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