My hubby has been sick (the kids have all been sick for the last month to 6 weeks)- colds that don't go away - 10 days in new symptoms showing up, just sad.

Hubby, Steve got a fever 2 days ago (maybe yesterday - it is all blurring together!) still had it this morning - but by late morning had blisters and red sores. I told him - you need to go to the doctor NOW!

He has chicken pox! How can this be? I had them as a kid, The kids were immunized at 1 yr, but one of our visits over this last month to the pediatrician, she said "the CDC just send out a notification that you need a booster to make sure the immunization worked. My kids hate shots - I didn't want to do it.

Guess what we are doing tomorrow?

You got it - Chicken Pox booster shots for everyone.
Mom to three wonderful 7th graders!
The time is flying by.

  Oh Nooooo.... esgunn My hubby has been si...
Oh you poor thing! The immunizations might not have worked? That is scary! Is this the first time that your husband has had chicken pox? I have heard of a couple of rare cases where having the disease didn't make the person immune for the future. Well your kids will just have to grin and bare it for their own good. What about you?

  Re: Oh Nooooo.... coco hernandez Oh you poor thing! ...
I'll just echo - Oh Nooooo!!

Heck of a way to start out the fall/winter season.
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.
  Oh Nooooo.... esgunn My hubby has been si...
Oh nooooo is right! Chicken pox in adults is very serious. We've had several friends who that's happened to, all males come to think of it. Hope you and the triplets don't get them, too.

Hopefully the shots today won't be so traumatic as the kids are a little older. Good luck!
  Oh Nooooo.... esgunn My hubby has been si...
Oh, Erin, that's no fun! My 3 kids had them 10 days apart (no vaccines then), one right after another, and the oldest one (10 at the time) got them last and had them the worst. The older you are, and all.

Did lots of vacumming that month!

Hope your husband is staying comfortable, and that no one else gets them.


  Re: Oh Nooooo.... pjcooks Oh, Erin, that's no ...
I have a picture of my daughter blowing out the candles on her 4th b'day cake just full of chicken pox all over her little face....brother followed right behind with them.
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.
  Oh Nooooo.... esgunn My hubby has been si...
Oh, Erin...sorry to hear this news. Make sure hubby takes good care of himself...having varicella (pox) as an adult can be serious and PAINFUL.

FYI: The lesions usually follow a "path" which is a nerve route, hence, the pain. So if hubby complains of pain, he is not being a "baby" about having chicken pox at his age....he is serious! Children usually do not have the pain associated with pox like an adult does. One of the major side effects of Varicella in an adult is sterilization -- in males only. Incubation period is 7 to 21 days so you and the triplets have already been exposed. Hopefully the rest of you will be spared of a break-out. But you should be careful about exposing your family to others until the 21 days have passed. Just because there are no visible lesions means nothing...the virus is still present, so be careful of who all of you come in contact with, especially if there is a pregnant female in your circle. Good luck to all of you and will keep you in our thoughts and prayers!
Vive Bene! Spesso L'Amore! Di Risata Molto!

Buon Appetito!


  Re: Oh Nooooo.... MUSICMAKER Oh, Erin...sorry to ...
Fortunately, I have never had to deal with this problem!!! TONS of thoughts and supportive wishes coming your way!!! It will be better once the proper treatment is instituted!!!

Take care of Mom (the caregiver!!!) TOO!!! Keep us posted---
"Never eat more than you can lift" Miss Piggy

  Re: Oh Nooooo.... Roxanne 21 Fortunately, I have ...
Sorry to hear that Erin. I think we all need to remember though that vaccinatin does not necessarily mean immunization. Two very different words. We HOPE it causes immunization, but modest research can show a very different story.

  Re: Oh Nooooo.... vannin Sorry to hear that E...
Thanks everyone. We are surviving. The fever is gone now, the pain and itching is here. Oatmeal baths are a good rememdy. Poor guy. He is a hard man to stop and slow down. Always working on a project or just busy. He was really wiped out the first 3 days. The nice weather and fever relief had him over do it some yesterday.

I had the chicken pox as a kid, so am pretty sure I am fine. The kids had their first shot at a year and had a second vaccination (how true Dale!) on Friday. The Drs said they have a 30 percent chance of getting it. The CDC now states that anyone who did not have the virus as a child (or adult) should have two vaccinations - not just one as previously thought.
Mom to three wonderful 7th graders!
The time is flying by.
Oh Nooooo....

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