Doc told me to eat right...because I've been running wild and mine is up again! Back to the 'Healthy Heart' books. I'm really bummed.

Please spay and neuter your pets.

  Cholesterol Half_Baked Doc told me to eat r...
Problem is, once you present with this condition it really isn't going to change. You MUST follow the diet and medication regimen. DH is going through this now---somehow you will get accustomed to the changes---hang in there!!! Healthy Heart---author, please??
"Never eat more than you can lift" Miss Piggy
  Cholesterol Half_Baked Doc told me to eat r...
Jan, you just have to get the mind-set to adjust your cooking style and make the healthy foods, saving the "bad-yet-good" foods for special occasions. DH had a chol level of 220 several years ago (one of my reasons for cutting out red meat, using only lowfat dairy items, making fried foods a rare treat, etc.) and it's now about 185. Mine is 130, so I benefited from doing this,as well.

Also, regular exercise helps, too.

Good luck, it's really difficult to "switch gears" but you'll feel so much better!

my cooking adventures

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