Going to a restaurant this weekend that is called Trevail Kitchen and Amusements. The chefs are supposed to be very creative and the food got a Best in 2010 award for our area.

One of their dishes is called Duck in a Can:

Video is from another restaurant, but that is all I could find for Duck in a Can: Serving Duck in a Can

Other Pics:

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Hibiscus Love Potion
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I can already see a few things I want to try. I will take pics of all. Besides, I think my pics will be better.
"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time."

  Duck in a Can? luvnit Going to a restauran...

One of their dishes is called Duck in a Can:

Kind of gives a whole new meaning to CANard.
If blueberry muffins have blueberries in them, what do vegan muffins have?
  Duck in a Can? luvnit Going to a restauran...
Wow, how fun! I can see some that I need to steal, too. Great ideas - they must have the 'canard' especially canned for them, I'll bet. What a fun dish.

Tartar-a-saur - for sure doing that one. And wait til Lorraine and Gil see the oyster stand. how cool is that.

Thanks Laura - anxious to hear about your visit!!
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.
  Duck in a Can? luvnit Going to a restauran...
I'm almost afraid to ask, but is that a whole baby duck that they just dumped out of that can? If so, it reminds me of a balut and no way in this world would I be ordering that!!!!!
Keep your mind wide open.

  Re: Duck in a Can? Gourmet_Mom I'm almost afraid to...
Is that really an oyster stand? I thought it looked like a candle holder to me. It struck me as a really creative use for a candle holder!

Loved the tartar-a-saur!

We should be expecting pictures of your courses????

  Re: Duck in a Can? iBcookin Is that really an oy...
It probably was at one time, but think of the money they (whoever they are ) will get for an "Oyster Stand"
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.
  Duck in a Can? luvnit Going to a restauran...
It's not confit, but a duck breast with a large piece of foie gras tucked under the skin. The rest of y4n3r5's description is accurate. Buttered cabbage (with bacon), balsamic demi-glace, the pulp from a head of roasted garlic and a couple of branches of thyme. It's served on roasted bread and celery root purée. The can is heated in simmering water for 28 minutes, then served table side just as you see in the clip.

I thought that was a candle holder! I wasn't sure. Pretty cool though. Maybe will give Jean new plating ideas.

I hear this place is also famous for 'Bleu Cheese Tots'.

I will take as many food pics as I can, for sure.
"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time."

  Re: Duck in a Can? luvnit It's not confit, but...
That sounds so fun, Laura! I hope the food is a good as the presentation, 'cuz presentation is impressive there!

  Re: Duck in a Can? karyn That sounds so fun, ...
Wow that is so cool. I want some liquid nitrogen! Alas, I love the look of all . . . I could enjoy every bit of it. I'm going to be waiting with my drooly bib on to see the pix!
You only live once . . . but if you do it right once should be enough!

  Re: Duck in a Can? Harborwitch Wow that is so cool....
Chef Martin Picard from Montreal has been doing Duck In A Can for several years. Some of my family have been, and said it was great! His sous has recently opened a restaurant in New Yoek and is doing it.
Practice safe lunch. Use a condiment.
Duck in a Can?

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