Hi Guys,

Just wanted to warn you guys that the flu this year is the most vicious doctors has seen. My boyfriend on sunday night at 6 said he is thinking that he is getting a cold...went to bed ..woke up in the morning...severly sick...102 fever, body aches etc. We did not go to the doctor on monday but decided to wait till Tuesday morning...by Tuesday morning...he had a full blown pneumonia. Apparently this is not uncommon. I have never seen him this sick, well according to him he has never been this sick in his life. Just be careful out there and if you do get a flu and start feeling respiratory symptoms, go to the doctor immediately.

  OT-be careful this flu season piano226 Hi Guys,[br][br]Just...
Oh boy - another reason for the winter of 2010-11 to be remembered....got my flu shot this year! Hope you miss it, PJ ( Saw the "P" and PJ stuck in my mind....) I mean, Marina
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  Re: OT-be careful this flu season cjs Oh boy - another rea...
Got my shot, too, although DH (needle-phobic) did not.

Marina, I hope that your boyfriend heals quickly and that you do not "catch" it!

my cooking adventures

  Re: OT-be careful this flu season foodfiend Got my shot, too, al...
It has been nasty. Kids got the flu shot but I did not. We have all hade at least 3 rounds of colds/flu for the last month and a half. Never quite sure if it is a relapse or a new virus.

Piano, hope your BF heals quickly. And I hope you stay well.
Mom to three wonderful 7th graders!
The time is flying by.

  Re: OT-be careful this flu season esgunn It has been nasty. ...
We've had our flu shots! Thank God! My allergies are killing me - just the damp mold in the coach and the accacia tree at Laurie's was in full bloom!!!

I'm worried about Francois - he's been home sick for 5 days now.
You only live once . . . but if you do it right once should be enough!

  Re: OT-be careful this flu season Harborwitch We've had our flu sh...
"I'm worried about Francois - he's been home sick for 5 days now." And you guys away and unable to check on him. OIY!

I hope you don't get it, Marina, and I hope your BF gets better soon.

I didn't get the flu shot...it was offered to teachers, but my immune system is pretty good, being around kids all these years. ALTHOUGH, I have had 2 rounds of sinusitis...finishing my third round of antibiotic.
Keep your mind wide open.
OT-be careful this flu season

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