My dad used to make the best Tom & Jerrys that he served every Christmastime and New Years Day. We children could only have the batter, but did we ever love it! I don't know if I've ever posted the recipe - and be warned, it has raw eggs.

* Exported from MasterCook *


12 large eggs -- separated
1 box powdered sugar
1 tsp. vanilla extract

This batter is easier to work with using half the eggs at a time.
In a medium bowl, mix 6 egg yolks with ¼ of the box of powdered sugar.

In a large bowl, whip 6 egg whites with ¼ of the box of powdered sugar to stiff peaks.
Fold the yolks/powdered sugar mixture into the whites until incorporated. Add the vanilla, gently combining.

Have ready a container with 1/2 rum and 1/2 brandy - however much you think you're going to imbibe.

Put 1 1/2 jiggers of rum/brandy mix in a cup; add 2-3 T. of the egg mixture and fill w/boiling water, stirring to combine. Sprinkle with nutmeg.

Inhale the wonderful aromas, then enjoy!!

There was nothing my Dad enjoyed more than to have a houseful of friends and relatives around him and a New Year's Day never went by without my Dad whipping up batches of Tom & Jerrys -- we kids just loved to scoop up some of the batter, when we thought he wasn't looking..., but, he always made sure there was enough for us to 'taste'."

NOTES : These days, you'll have to decide if raw eggs are safe for your use.

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I stilll have his Tom & Jerry set - cups and a large bowl with gold lettering and fancy font, "Tom and Jerrys"

Man, these are the best things in the world!!! But, be careful, like Denise's jello shooters, you can be under the table quickly!!
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  Speaking of Eggnog.... cjs My dad used to make ...
"These days, you'll have to decide if raw eggs are safe for your use." That's the dilemma. Back in the day, nobody ever worried about it. It's kinda like the comment William made the other day about some sort of warning about food..."It's a shame you granddaddy died so young." He was 94...Ma Ma was 96 and would have made it longer if not for the dire straights after a hurricane and no one could get to her and my aunt. The heat and lack of food and water for several days was too much for her.
Keep your mind wide open.

  Re: Speaking of Eggnog.... Gourmet_Mom "These days, you'll ...
our systems are morphing into a little too delicate for my tastes!!
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  Re: Speaking of Eggnog.... cjs our systems are morp...
I've heard that other countries are amused by how "delicate" our systems are here.

I think I would be less nervous about eating raw eggs if I raised my own chickens or bought eggs from a small local farm.

"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."
  Speaking of Eggnog.... cjs My dad used to make ...
Oh my - those sound so good! Eggnog, Tom & Jerry's, Hot Buttered Rum. MMMMMMMMM I love the holidays. Too bad I'm being exceptionally "well behaved" for a week.
You only live once . . . but if you do it right once should be enough!

  Re: Speaking of Eggnog.... Harborwitch Oh my - those sound ...
"Too bad I'm being exceptionally "well behaved" for a week."

But that leaves another two weeks until Christams. That's a GOOD thing! Sounds like you planned ahead...something I haven't done...OIY! Time to reassess dinner plans for the next week. I've got the rest of this week and next to purge....yea, right!
Keep your mind wide open.

  Re: Speaking of Eggnog.... Gourmet_Mom "Too bad I'm being e...
Try using pasteurized eggs in the eggnog. They are heated just enough to kill the bacteria, but not so that the eggs cook. A friend uses them in his specialty Prohibition cocktails and says that he finds them at the grocery store in the case with the "regular" eggs.

my cooking adventures

  Re: Speaking of Eggnog.... foodfiend Try using pasteurize...
That reminds me. I STILL (two years later) haven't tried THIS.
If blueberry muffins have blueberries in them, what do vegan muffins have?

  Re: Speaking of Eggnog.... labradors That reminds me. I ...
Daphne, be sure not to make them Christmas day - you'll never get your cooking done.

Labs, for some reason I can't open that.
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  Re: Speaking of Eggnog.... cjs Daphne, be sure not ...

Labs, for some reason I can't open that.

Can't imagine why not: it's just another thread on the forum:


When you say, "Can't open," what does that MEAN? Does it mean you get an error message (if so, what message)? Does it mean that when you click it, the computer just sits there, spinning its wheels? Does it mean you have a physical or mental inability to click on the link? Just saying "Can't open" doesn't provide any hints for troubleshooting.

To test the link, I even tried it from a different computer, upon which I have never even visited the forum before and it still worked, so I have not been able to duplicate any problem with it.
If blueberry muffins have blueberries in them, what do vegan muffins have?
Speaking of Eggnog....

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