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Dismc & OldBay - Your Turn - Printable Version

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Dismc & OldBay - Your Turn - cjs - 02-23-2009

You two have the whole month for each of you to choose a dinner! Dismc is first - March 16th and Bill is March 24th - so, what are we making for these two dinners?????????

Re: Dismc & OldBay - Your Turn - Dismc - 02-23-2009

I'll start looking. There are so many things I want to make that it shouldn't be too hard.

Re: Dismc & OldBay - Your Turn - cjs - 02-23-2009

Oh good!

Re: Dismc & OldBay - Your Turn - Old Bay - 02-23-2009


You two have the whole month for each of you to choose a dinner! Dismc is first - March 16th and Bill is March 24th - so, what are we making for these two dinners?????????

I will work on it--a labor of love

Re: Dismc & OldBay - Your Turn - HomeCulinarian - 02-24-2009

OOOh, it's going to be a good one! Hopefully within my calorie program.

Re: Dismc & OldBay - Your Turn - Old Bay - 02-28-2009

OK, since I'm younger!!!!! Hurry up Dismc. Mine will be 2nd birthday in March. From the April issue--

App-Baltimore Crab Fluffs, pg 50
main course--Greek Salsa Chicken, pg 9
Rolls-buttery dinner rolls, pg, 4
Dessert-Classic carrot cake-, pg 48

How about that!? We've not done any of these, and some of our own recipes may be better, but how about a menu from one issue!?! CAH should be proud!

Re: Dismc & OldBay - Your Turn - Gourmet_Mom - 02-28-2009


CAH should be proud!

Amen! Wonder if hitting the moderator icon would work again? I sure wish someone else would do it....I don't want to seem like a "harpy".

Bill this sounds wonderful, but I hope that either my magazine arrives in time to make it, or someone will type it up. Don't do it yet. Give me until the end of next week...hopefully it'll be here by then. If not, I'll be letting you guys know!

Now for the date? And Bill, why don't you start another thread with the menu on it and the date on it. I think that'll get everyone's attention faster. Then, hopefully someone will notify the moderators. If they don't, I will...LOL! While this one doesn't need to be a sticky, I would really like them to know what we are doing here. I just don't think they actually look at the reviews, but they should...for several reasons.

Re: Dismc & OldBay - Your Turn - chef_Tab - 02-28-2009

I nominate Daphne to be the dedicated moderator nag. All in favor???

teehee. maybe I should make this a poll. I know, Daphne, back to my room.

Re: Dismc & OldBay - Your Turn - HomeCulinarian - 02-28-2009

Sounds good to me, except I'll have to pass on the cake. This is very similar to the one in one of the earliest, maybe the first CAH magazine. One of my favorites, until I looked at the calorie count ...710 per serving

Re: Dismc & OldBay - Your Turn - Gourmet_Mom - 03-01-2009

AHEM! Theresa...I hope you're enjoying the view from your room!