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Jane is cancer free!!!!!!! - Printable Version

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Jane is cancer free!!!!!!! - Old Bay - 08-30-2008

Forgive me for continuing the saga--we spent last week at MD Anderson--all tests were negative!! One is still not in but all indications are "no problem". Her final reconstruction will be Sept. 30. We are so happy--we are getting on with the rest of our lives. Thank all of you for all of your support.

Re: Jane is cancer free!!!!!!! - labradors - 08-30-2008

Glad to hear some good news. Thanks for letting us know.

Re: Jane is cancer free!!!!!!! - esgunn - 08-30-2008

Whoo Hooo!!! Yea Jane and Bill. You both are blessed. I am so happy for the both of you. What wonderful news!

Re: Jane is cancer free!!!!!!! - Mare749 - 08-30-2008

This is such wonderful news! Thank you for sharing it with all of us!

Re: Jane is cancer free!!!!!!! - cjs - 08-30-2008

Oh my, can't get much better than this, can it? I raise my glass to the rest of your lives!!!!

Re: Jane is cancer free!!!!!!! - mlucas1 - 08-30-2008

That is fantastic news!

Re: Jane is cancer free!!!!!!! - pjcooks - 08-30-2008

What wonderful news! You and Jane are indeed blessed.

So, what will the celebration dinner be?


Re: Jane is cancer free!!!!!!! - firechef - 08-30-2008

Hurray for the good guys getting good news for once!!!

Enjoy one another and continue to live for living and loving for love.

Re: Jane is cancer free!!!!!!! - Harborwitch - 08-30-2008

Bill and Jane that is such wonderful news! I am so happy for you both.

Jane - you beat the monster! I'm shedding tears of joy for you, and I can imagine the feeling of release!

Enjoy your lives together - to come through the battles and have the glorious future ahead TOGETHER is magnificent! God bless you both!

Re: Jane is cancer free!!!!!!! - Gourmet_Mom - 08-30-2008

Bill and Jane, I am soooo happy for you both! To know that black cloud is no longer hanging over you must be a tremendous load off your back. That first deep breath when the news really sinks in is the very best, isn't it?