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O.T. "Flat Daddies" for the Military - Printable Version

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O.T. "Flat Daddies" for the Military - cjs - 11-29-2010

Saw this on the news last night and was just in tears. What a wonderful way to keep Daddies & Mommies fresh and loved in a child's mind and eyes. Even the baby was familiar with Daddy when he came home.

Of course, I thought on you,Erin, and the kids and thought how fun to see a 'flat Daddy' in the stands at gymnastics!!

Re: O.T. "Flat Daddies" for the Military - Harborwitch - 11-29-2010

What a wonderful idea! I wonder - could that be extrapolated to "Flat Family" too - maybe miniature so they'd fit some where safe?????

Erin this is seems like such a great idea for you and the kids. We had so much fun taking Flat Maggie around with us!

Re: O.T. "Flat Daddies" for the Military - Gourmet_Mom - 11-29-2010

Oh dear....the tears are just rolling. What a wonderful concept.

Re: O.T. "Flat Daddies" for the Military - karyn - 11-29-2010

I LOVED that story. What a wonderful family and idea.

Re: O.T. "Flat Daddies" for the Military - BarbaraS - 11-30-2010

What I would like to know, are there any families on this board that would like a "Flat Parent/Sis/Bro/Relative"?

My Hubby and I are into Giving this year and hopefully rounding up others into the same thing.

Actually, it's a big thing at work - USO and sponsoring sailors in ports away from their homes.

My hubby's nephew is in the Marine Corps, and we couldn't be prouder of him. He decided this on his own and he's very happy with his decision.

Hubby was in the Navy.

I can remember sending Billy a ton of stuff a year ago to send. I can do this again. If anyone has an Armed Forces addy to send stuff to, let me know.



Re: O.T. "Flat Daddies" for the Military - esgunn - 12-01-2010

Thank you Jean! I sure hope he doesn't have to deploy this spring. I guess we are in Wait and see mode. I have also seen little stuffed dolls/shapes with the daddy or mommy's picture printed on them. My sister was going to make a quilt with fabric that had special printed pictures on it of the kids with their daddy. There are so many ways you can keep the person alive. The internet (If they have access) is such a blessing.

Re: O.T. "Flat Daddies" for the Military - Harborwitch - 12-01-2010

Erin we'll be crossing our fingers for you and your family!

Re: O.T. "Flat Daddies" for the Military - cjs - 12-01-2010

It was really amazing, Erin - the baby of the family in the article was just an infant when he left and having "flat Daddy" in her everyday life, she wasn't the least bit afraid of him when he came home. Just broke my heart.