Gawd I love my life!
  Re: (...)
I haven't been on here much . . . I had hopes.

Last month we had a real change-up here. Chad decided that he didn't want to fight the battle here any more. The guy who has been our "tournament director" for 4 years was tagged as the new GM.

Of course this means we're going through all of the hoops that one has to go through to get restaurant & liquor licenses - hopefully we will pass our health inspection this next week - waiting on the liquor. We have had 2 gals go through the kitchen top to bottom with scrub brushes and fine tooth combs. (they did (by mistake) throw out a few hundred dollars of our food in a work camper freezer - it will be replaced).

The new GM & I get along great - he has incredible ideas for the restaurant, the golf course, & everything else. We've been attacking issues and solving problems for 5 weeks now. (which cuts into my life - oh well). For the first time in a long time I have hope that this place will shine. We have one new cook and looking for more. He'd like to BBQ & smoke food, and really serve fresh local food.

Of course all this means I'm working more hours - taking care of more of the back office stuff, and helping to implement all the new policies.

Sigh. Crossing my fingers and praying that all goes perfectly. The owners are thrilled and putting lots of $$ into improvements. WOW.

I miss Chad - and we will always be friends - but at last someone is going to make this place rock & roll!
You only live once . . . but if you do it right once should be enough!
  Re: Gawd I love my life! by Harborwitch (I haven't been on he...)
Wow, lots of changes going on in Warden!! Good luck with everything. Will you and Bob do any of the relief cooking??
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.
  Re: Re: Gawd I love my life! by cjs (Wow, lots of changes...)
Sounds like it'll work out Now will this be in lieu of moving out of the country?

I do hope you guys get help with the cooking end of things so you don't rack up your back.
  Re: Re: Gawd I love my life! by DFen911 (Sounds like it'll wo...)
Ken told me that I am not allowed to kill my back in the restaurant! Bob my be pulling some emergency relief cooking - although he's working lots of hours already. I'll be doing the back office stuff for the restaurant (as well as the golf course) plus working in the Pro Shop.

Denise this just puts off our plans for another year. I think it's more realistic . . . but we'll have to see what happens.
You only live once . . . but if you do it right once should be enough!
  Re: Re: Gawd I love my life! by Harborwitch (Ken told me that I a...)
Oh my, I can so sympathize with you! It looks like today will be our first day open on the golf course, still wet, but it is supposed to be in the 70's today.

I haven't been on much either, I knew my time at home was quickly coming to an end, so I have just been trying to limit the hours I spent down here as much as possible. But, I will be at the course more, and hopefully that means I can check in here more and maintain what little sanity I have left. I have very much missed everyone here!

So good luck Sharon, this has to be kind of exciting getting a little moral and monetary support. Just try to remember to take care of yourself (how is that for the pot calling the kettle black!!), cause you being laid up isn't going to do either of you any good! I have tried very hard to reevaluate some of the not so smart things that I would do around here and tell myself that very same thing.

So, it won't be long before I am back, and hopefully things will settle down and Sharon will be able to return to the forum more often as well!
  Re: Re: Gawd I love my life! by iBcookin (Oh my, I can so symp...)
Linda, so good to hear from you! You've been in my mind so often. Good luck getting thru this first season on your own. Wish we were all closer, if for no other reason than to be there with you.
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.
  Re: Re: Gawd I love my life! by cjs (Linda, so good to he...)
OMG, you don't know how I wish you were here! As I am looking at my summer, there are days in which I have a tournament going out at 8 am, eating at 1, turning the banquet room around for a reunion at 5:30, and a wedding in the picnic pavilion at 6! I have 10 weddings booked for this year so far, and still have most of September and October open. It is going to be a heck of a ride this year!
  Re: Re: Gawd I love my life! by iBcookin (OMG, you don't know ...)
Double-edged sword.....
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.
  Re: Re: Gawd I love my life! by cjs (Double-edged sword.....)
Exactly what I was thinking, Jean! Linda, I hope you will keep us posted with an entertaining story if/when you get a minute. I'm always amazed at what you put up with.

Sharon, I am so happy for you that you have "wind in your sails" once again. Good luck with the new owner!

"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."
  Re: Re: Gawd I love my life! by iBcookin (Oh my, I can so symp...)
Hey Linda! Good to see you on here too.

Now to just get things more exciting - we have our kitchen inspection tomorrow am. This means we should be able to serve food this weekend! Yea! Whoopee! Oh! Say what? The freaking cook quit? Now what the cr@p are we supposed to do?

Liquor is still waiting for the State . . . but at least we can serve food for our tournament on the 25th and 26th. If we can find someone to cook it.

Linda I hope you have a great season - don't work too hard and don't do the "stupid stuff".

Thanks Maryann. Jean I wish you were close. No flies, no moths, no barnyard smelll (well not much).
You only live once . . . but if you do it right once should be enough!

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