So, what kind is your favorite? I just ran out and haven't decided if I should go to the Asian market, Penzey's, or try to make my own. We're rather new to using this spice, but are finding that we do enjoy it.

"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."

  curry powder Mare749 So, what kind is you...

I really like a brand by Trikona - I buy their Hot Madras and their mild and usually use both depending on what I am making. I have only ever found it at Larry's Market and only in Redmond WA. Would love to find another source. It is from the Trikona FOod Co in Portland OR.

Doesn't help you much. But if you can find a brand/source other than the little jars in the spice section you will find a much better product.

As a side note - we also like the Mae Ploy Panang Curry paste. It makes a great - but very spicy - panag curry dish with coconut milk.
Mom to three wonderful 7th graders!
The time is flying by.

  Re: curry powder esgunn Maryann, [br][br]I r...
Maryann, While looking again for Trikona Curry Powder online I ran across this article from the Seattle Times. Not sure if any of these are available in your area - but at least you know which ones to avoid.

Of course, it's been said that any cook worth his spice would make his own blend, but the expense of buying all those individual spices can be prohibitive. And toasting and grinding whole spices can be time-consuming. So we wanted to see if the alternative - commercially prepared curry powders - are a worthwhile substitute.

To release the flavor and avoid a raw, acrid taste, curry powders always should be sauteed for a few minutes before being added to other ingredients. For our taste test, we melted a tablespoon of butter with a teaspoon canola oil stirred in 2 teaspoons curry powder, and sauteed the mixture for 3 minutes on medium-low heat. It was then stirred into a cup of mashed potatoes, a bland medium where the nuances of the curry would stand out.

Although our testers had no clear favorite, three of the seven mild curry powders put to the test met with approval. Our testers would recommend the following:

Spice Islands Curry Powder has a smooth quality and the heat is well-integrated with other flavors. Its soft gold color is natural and appealing, and it has a flavor that lingers pleasantly. The 2.1-ounce jar is $5.20.

Trikona Mild Curry Powder has a rich golden color and a deep, spicy flavor. Testers detected hints of cinnamon and pepper that would pair well with robust lamb curries. A 4-ounce bag is $3.19.

Testers gave Sun Brand Madras Curry Powder mixed reviews because of its pale yellow color. But the sweet, complex flavor was clean and well-rounded and the mild heat would pair well with lighter seafood curries or salad dressings. The 4-ounce tin is $4.55.

Testers wouldn't recommend the following:

A heavy hand with clove may account for the bitingly bitter aftertaste and muddy color of Schilling Mild Indian Curry Powder. It had a musty, dusty quality and was too hot for a blend promoting itself as "mild." At $4.75 for a 1.75-ounce jar, it wasn't a good buy.

The Spice Hunter Curry Seasoning was sharp and heavy with cardamom. The bitter aftertaste and brownish color got negative ratings with testers. A 1.8-ounce jar is $3.49.

Larry's Market Mild Curry has a vibrant gold color going for it, but was too bland and its flavor disappeared quickly. As one tester put it, "there's not much here." The 2.2-ounce jar is $4.29.

"Blah" was the word used by all our testers to describe Dean & DeLuca Curry Powder Blend. Although its lustrous gold color was a plus, it had little character and is better left on the shelf. A 2.75-ounce tin is $5.55.
Mom to three wonderful 7th graders!
The time is flying by.

  Reviews of curry powder esgunn Maryann, While look...
I'll be darned, I had some little cans of different curry powders that I send away for that were just great and I thot I'd kept one so I could order again...can't find the can.

But, I've got to say I think the best curry powder I ever tasted was one that we made for a Thai dinner years ago and it was just wonderful.

And speaking of curry, I saw this on a newsletter a while back that was so off the wall, had to copy it down. Haven't made it yet, but it is intriquing. I think it was a cocktail thing from a Food & Wine magazine.

* Exported from MasterCook *

Curried Rice Krispies Squares

3 tablespoons unsalted butter -- plus more for greasing the dish
One 10-ounce bag marshmallows
2 tablespoons mild Madras curry powder
1/2 cup salted roasted sunflower seeds
6 cups Rice Krispies

Butter a 9-by-13-inch baking dish. In a large saucepan, melt the 3 tablespoons of butter. Add the marshmallows and cook over very low heat, stirring with a wooden spoon, until completely melted, about 5 minutes. Stir in the curry powder. Remove from the heat and add the sunflower seeds and Rice Krispies; stir until completely coated.

Scrape the mixture into the prepared baking dish and, using buttered hands, press into an even layer. Let stand at room temperature until cooled and firm.

Invert the curried Rice Krispies onto a work surface. Using a sharp knife, trim the edges to form a neat rectangle, then cut into 1-inch squares and serve.

"Chef Justin Large, who also works as a sous chef at the beloved wine bar Avec, created these ingenious and addictive squares, an Indian-spiced variation on the all-American classic."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.
  Reviews of curry powder esgunn Maryann, While look...
Erin, thank you for an informative article. I'm printing it out to take with me when I go shopping, so I can look for the recommended brands. We have some good Asian markets here I can check.

Jean, that's an interesting appy. Just might have to try that one out on the family when we have a happy hour together.

"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."

  Re: Reviews of curry powder Mare749 Erin, thank you for ...
Just another reminder - I think the kind of curry powder you are looking for is Indian - not Asian. Your Asian markets may have Indian and Asian curry powders. It seems that most - but not all Asian curries are pastes.
Mom to three wonderful 7th graders!
The time is flying by.

  Re: Reviews of curry powder esgunn Just another reminde...
So far, I'd agree with what's already been said: Asian curries are usually paste based, but Indian curries are usually powder based, with Madras being a particularly good variety.

Considering how well the vindaloo I made recently turned out, I'm really interested in making a curry, probably Madras, that would, similarly, start from scratch, instead of using any store-bought curry powder.
If blueberry muffins have blueberries in them, what do vegan muffins have?

  Re: Reviews of curry powder labradors So far, I'd agree wi...
I love Penzey's mild curry powder, I think that it has an excellent flavor. I did buy some of their Madras curry powder and, wow! it is HOT!!! Beware...

my cooking adventures

  Re: Reviews of curry powder foodfiend I love Penzey's mild...
This looks like the curry recipe I'll be trying in a few days (have some other things to finish first). Notice that there is NO store-bought curry powder, but makes its own. I can't wait to try it!

Chicken Madras

  • 2 chicken breasts cut into bite sized pieces
  • vegetable oil
  • 1 onion sliced into thin strips
  • 1 tin tomatoes
  • juice of 1/2 lemon
  • 4 dry red chillies
  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper corns
  • 1/2 teaspoon chilli powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon paprika
  • teaspoon cumin seeds
  • teaspoon fenugreek seeds
  • teaspoon turmeric
  • 2 cardamoms
  • pinch cinnamon
  • 4 cloves
  • pinch coriander power
  • pinch ginger powder
  • pinch mustard seeds
  1. Fry the chicken in about 3-4 tablespoons of vegetable oil to colour and remove from the frying pan.
  2. Add the onion until golden then add the spices. Mix the spices and blitz before adding to the pan and fry for about 5 minutes, adding a little water if necessary.
  3. Add the chicken and pour the lemon juice over. Stir well.
  4. Chop the tomatoes and stir into the mix. Cook at medium heat for about 10 minutes.
  5. Cook in a preheated oven at medium for 45 minutes to an hour, mixing after 25 minutes. Serve with basmati rice.
If blueberry muffins have blueberries in them, what do vegan muffins have?

  Re: Reviews of curry powder labradors This looks like the ...
Yikes, that sounds hot! Please let us know how it turns out.

Vicci, I was thinking the same thing about Penzey's. I had a feeling it would be mild and since we are just getting acquainted with this taste, mild is probably a good idea.

"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."
curry powder

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