In the butcher shop post, Rox was talking about Crown Roast Pork. I love the way they look, with the little gold feet thingys. So, I bought one planning to make it for Christmas dinner. I thought that issue with the Sage Muffins etc. was featuring a Crown Roast, but upon further investigation, I see it's called a Pork Rib Loin or some such. BUT, now I have a lovely, but very expensive Crown Roast in the freezer. Can I cook it like the one in the magazine anyway?? If not what all do you suggest??? oh and lastly, where do you buy the gold feet thingys?
Empress for Life

  Crown Roast Pork farnfam In the butcher shop ...
I will research a little for you but I don't think that it is cooked the same way---the roasting process is more along the lines of a total roast. Those little gold thingies are decorations that you should be able to make yourself--another talent that some of us don't have.
"Never eat more than you can lift" Miss Piggy
  Crown Roast Pork farnfam In the butcher shop ...
You're all set!!


Just clean those bone ends, form it and you're ready. The 'diapers' can be found at most cooking stores. Have fun and be sure to take pictures!!!
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  Re: Crown Roast Pork cjs You're all set!![br]...
I love Crown Roast of Pork! Last one I did, I stuffed it and served it with Ivory Onion Cream, and a Cranberry Coulis. Time to dig out the recipe.
Practice safe lunch. Use a condiment.
  Re: Crown Roast Pork cjs You're all set!![br]...
Thanks Jean, great picture. That's exactly what the one I bought looks like. But how do you suggest I cook it? The recipe I thought I was going to use, I guess it's for some other kind of pork roast. Do you think I can do it that way (next to last issue, the one with the sage muffins) or stuff it like Lorraine said. That sounds very good, how is it done? Do you marinate it first?
Thanks again in advance, this is new territory for me
Empress for Life

  Re: Crown Roast Pork farnfam Thanks Jean, great p...
Crown roast and rib roast are the same things - Crown roast is the method of cleaning the rib bones, turning it meat side in - making a 'crown' tieing it up and yadda yadda yadda.

So, what you're saying is you don't want to make a 'crown' roasted product??? Just roasted as is? No problem. How was your roast prepped when you bot it? bones cleaned off? If so, it won't make any difference, if not, follow the instructions in the magazine. And roast as they say to do.

I guess I should have waited for the answer to - how do you want to do your roast. I'm throwing too many 'what ifs' at you.

P.S. and if you haven't made the Sage Dressing Muffins as yet, I hope you give them a try - they are delicious. I added a few dried cranberries when I made mine.
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.
  Re: Crown Roast Pork farnfam Thanks Jean, great p...
Cis---there is a great info blurb in C@H Issue #5 page 6--tells you everything you would ever want to know about crown pork roast---if you do not have that issue I would be most happy to post the recipe that is presented there-(did that anyway!!)--I think that is what spurred me on to get a cut of roast but was never successful!!! SOME DAY!!!!

You have the roast already sooo---it should be 2 pork loin roasts (8 ribs each) tied together in a circle.

Mix together and rub over entire crown roast:
1/3 cup olive oil
1/4 cup orange juice
1/4 cup fresh sage, minced---will be GREAT with those muffins!!!
3 Tbs kosher salt
2 Tbs coarse black pepper
1 Tbs orange zest
1 Tbs garlic, minced

Place roast on a rack in a roasting pan. Place in oven and roast to 140 degrees---I would go a little higher
maybe 150-160 degrees---depends on how well you like it done---pork is okay pink but not red---IMHO

Cook at 425 degrees for 15 minutes, lower temp to 325 degrees and roast to your desired temp. Let rest for 10 minutes---and then you will have a fantastic Christmas Eve dinner---if you chose NOT to cook---I'll send my address and you can FedEx to me, NO PROBLEM!!!

Is it already stuffed??? I'm fantasizing!!!
"Never eat more than you can lift" Miss Piggy

  Re: Crown Roast Pork Roxanne 21 Cis---there is a gre...
Thanks Rox! Thanks Jean! Yes, that is exactly what I wanted to know. Sorry if I was unclear, it's that being raised by wolves and all, no people skills
I've got the roast and it was already tied up like in Jean's picture. I needed a recipe and some technique instruction. Thank you both, perfect!
It's not stuffed but I'd consider that if anyone has a suggestion/recipe. But not stuffed AND make the sage muffins, that'd be too much I think eh? One or the other.
I'm so excited, this will be a fancy looking dinner I hope it'll make me look talented Can't wait to go shopping for the "diapers?" Or Rox is right I could try to make them from some gold foil (if I find any)
Oh thank you oh wise ones!!
Empress for Life

  Re: Crown Roast Pork farnfam Thanks Rox! Thanks J...
Oh Cis, how could you pass up making something so spectacular as this:


the sage muffins will wait!!

Also, here the link for a lot of ideas for your stuffing from Epicurious.


I don't like to disagree with Roxanne, but I would cook the roast only to 140 F. and no more than 150 F. - it will be way overdone any higher than that with the residual cooking.

So, let us know when you decide what you're going to do.
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  Re: Crown Roast Pork cjs Oh Cis, how could yo...
MMMMmmmmm, oh yes Jean, the stuffed one would look so elegeant on the table, with the gold booties (diapers the correct term, really? I wouldn't question but the mental image ) Those stuffing recipes all look good,it'll be hard to choose. And the Apple Salsa from C&H that seems perfect or maybe Apple/Cranberry Chutney?
Yum, this is going to be fun.
Empress for Life
Crown Roast Pork

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