Hi, everyone. Can anybody out there give advice or information on cookware.

I have the All Clad all stainless cookware. My hubby and I just moved into a new home with an electric range. He placed one of my sauce pans on the electric burner (it's a coil type burner) and turned it on and forgot about it. The smoke alarms went off! The kitchen was filled with smoke and the inside of my All Clad pan (stainless) was burned! It is this black charcoal looking scorch on the steel. I have tried using scouring pads, cleaners, cleansers, oven cleaners, and other things and even very fine steel wool to try and restore this pan. Has this ever happened to anyone or has anyone ever heard of something like this? Does anyone have any ideas on what else I could try or did I just lose a very expensive piece of cookware? Appreciate any help or advice you can give.


  Salvage cookware? Sabrina747 Hi, everyone. Can a...
Bummer about the pan. Hope your kitchen walls didn't get smoke damaged as well.

A long time ago, a babysitter tried to make popcorn in my saucepan, and left it on the stove to burn. The house was full of smoke and the pan was full of black, burned on oil and popcorn. It's not All Clad stainless, but it's something close. I don't remember exactly, but I think I used everything I could find and a lot of elbow grease and finally the burned food came off. I still use that pan! But from your story, it sounds like your pan was empty.

Surely some others will come along and give you some suggestions.

  Re: Salvage cookware? HomeCulinarian Bummer about the pan...
Wow, I'd be in tears!! If it were me, I'd get a hold of AllClad and tell them what happened and see what they suggest.

Welcome to the forum, Sabrina - hopefully your next post will be a happier one!
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  Re: Salvage cookware? cjs Wow, I'd be in tears...
Welcome to the forum, Sabrina. Wish I could be more help. I did see something on TV about this, but can't remember what they recommended. It was a simple household solution like baking soda or vinegar in water, then boiling on the stove for 15 minutes and letting it cool.


"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."

  Re: Salvage cookware? Mare749 Welcome to the forum...
Thanks for the welcomes!

I did contact All Clad -- this is a brand new set, well, Christmas, but they will not replace it or do anything about it under the warranty because it was our negligence. They had no answers either, for a solution.

Yes, the pan was empty and gratefully there was no fire or other damage. Hubby wanted a grilled cheese then changed his mind, left the burner on, and went back to watch his game on TV!

What this looks like is burned metal! I did try oven cleaners, both the kind when the oven is to be cold and hot but no luck. Tried scrubbing with abrasives, like baking soda with steel wool, cleansers, and such. I used the really, really fine steel wool but maybe I should try the heavier ones. Will also try the boiling with the vinegar and baking soda.

If anyone else has any suggestions, would appreciate hearing -- anything!

Thank you!

  Re: Salvage cookware? Sabrina747 Thanks for the welco...
Well, that sucks on AllClad's part!! I'd do what you're thinking of doing - simmer the pot with water and baking soda. Good luck.

How many dozen roses has your hubby brought home since this occurrence?????
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  Re: Salvage cookware? cjs Well, that sucks on ...
WELCOME Sabrina---what a sorry situation to bring you to our family---but glad you are here!!

I had a similar episode a while ago (like YEARS) and not with All-Clad, but another stainless steel product---just put some baking soda on the botoom in a fairly thick layer, add a touch of water to make a paste and then add a layer of water---bring to boil on burner, let sit until you can handle the temp and then scrub with a coarse sponge---worked beautifully for me!!! GOOD LUCK BUT---don't discard that pan, you can "salvage" ---patience!!!
"Never eat more than you can lift" Miss Piggy

  Re: Salvage cookware? Roxanne 21 WELCOME Sabrina---wh...
Thanks for the great tips, Roxanne and Laura. I'm going to copy and save these ideas, just in case.........

Good luck Sabrina, hope it works for you. And be sure to come back and visit sometime. We all love to share recipes and ideas.


"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."

  Re: Salvage cookware? Mare749 Thanks for the great...
Have you tried brake fluid? Bit drastic, but so is the situation.
  Salvage cookware? Sabrina747 Hi, everyone. Can a...
I got this from E-How. I have never tried it but...

cover pan completely with a generous amount of baking soda. Drizzle in just enough water to create a thick paste, smearing the paste up the sides of the pot if needed. Set aside for at least 4 hours, preferably overnight.

WIthout rinsing the pot, add 3 parts water to 1 part distilled vinegar to cover the burned area by at least 2 inches (5 cm). Boil for 10 minutes and then leave overnight.

Repeat as needed.

Sabrina, I hope you can salvage your pan! That is just terrible
"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time."
Salvage cookware?

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