I suppose I shouldn't advertise this...but they are so pretty!!
Came out to find this one morning -

[Image: POPPIES.jpg]

and after two days of sunshine....

[Image: POPPIESTWO.jpg]

Evidently a few years ago the police used to check on the plant.....no one's been by since we've been here.
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  My New Crop!!! cjs I suppose I shouldn'...
They are gorgeous!!!!! I had some in Winnipeg, but someone dug them all up in the middle of the night.
Practice safe lunch. Use a condiment.

  Re: My New Crop!!! Lorraine They are gorgeous!!!...
OKAY!!! They are beautiful BUT how 'bout some recipes???

"Never eat more than you can lift" Miss Piggy
  My New Crop!!! cjs I suppose I shouldn'...
Those are absolutely beautiful! What a beautiful pink.
You only live once . . . but if you do it right once should be enough!

  Re: My New Crop!!! Harborwitch Those are absolutely...
How pretty they are! My mom used to have the red ones years ago. Don't know whatever happened to them, but we certainly enjoyed them while they lasted.


"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."

  Re: My New Crop!!! Mare749 How pretty they are!...

Glad y'all are getting rain. Only the begonias survived in my flower garden. 12" below normal now.

Please spay and neuter your pets.
  My New Crop!!! cjs I suppose I shouldn'...
Lov-e-ly, Jean, Just lov-e-ly!

We're finally in the process of planting shrubs and stuff in our front wall area. Gee, built the house in 2001, what's the rush!

Feast or famine here, days and days of rain, a frost Tuesday night and now it's 93 degrees. Perhaps this is our summer day

Very nice, I take it these are your famous poppies (I'm gardening challenged)

  My New Crop!!! cjs I suppose I shouldn'...
I had a suspicion that more than parsley was being raised around here!

  Re: My New Crop!!! Ron I had a suspicion th...
lol Ron... Jean and Roy are much wilder than I thought!

Please spay and neuter your pets.
  Re: My New Crop!!! Ron I had a suspicion th...
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.
My New Crop!!!

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