Monday's Dinner, 7/31/17??

What's for dinner today?? 

no clue here yet....
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.

  DINNER THREAD, 7/31/17 - 8/6/17 cjs [b][u][size=medium]M...
We are trying a chinese chicken salad kit from Costco for lunch, and then for dinner I pulled some marinated carne asada out to throw on the grill.  Will make some smashed pinto beans & cheese, and we have some small ears of corn that need to be used.  We'll skip tortillas and have the corn instead.
  DINNER THREAD, 7/31/17 - 8/6/17 cjs [b][u][size=medium]M...
Both meals sound delicious, T!

Ron requested Margherita pizza on the grill again, so have dough on the rise. Chopped salad for a side.

"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."
  DINNER THREAD, 7/31/17 - 8/6/17 cjs [b][u][size=medium]M...
I put some brats in the "bucket" at 150 for 45 minutes, browned quickly and added some garlic/dill kraut & sliced onion & let all come to temp. Some beautiful tomato & mayo on the side. We had dessert (rare around here) - Tuscan melon. We are now having an after dinner and getting ready for bed.
You only live once . . . but if you do it right once should be enough!
  DINNER THREAD, 7/31/17 - 8/6/17 cjs [b][u][size=medium]M...
Tilley continues to challenge me in the am after William leaves.  So I wasn't able to start today until 11!    But I must add, I spent two hours gathering laundry and taking a shower.  Tilley was no help at all..   She continues to try to get in the shower with me, and gathering laundry while she attacks the pile is time consuming!

Anyway, in addition to laundry, Tilley went to the vet for her final round of puppy vaccines and her rabies shot.  She was a really good girl!

With all that and fielding office calls, I still pulled off dinner.  It was one I've been putting off for months.  We had Chicken Piccattta with a simple salad for dinner.  It was as good as I remember, and Tilley LOVED it!
Keep your mind wide open.
  DINNER THREAD, 7/31/17 - 8/6/17 cjs [b][u][size=medium]M...
Everything sounds good from yesterday. I just tossed together some cabbage, angel hair pasta (ginger & garlic) with Sesame oil and topped with the last ice-crystalled shrimp from the freezer. Slow cooked some chuck roast for sandwich meat.
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.
  DINNER THREAD, 7/31/17 - 8/6/17 cjs [b][u][size=medium]M...
Tuesday's Dinner, 8/1/17??

What's on the menu for today?? 

Sharon's rack of lamb reminded me I have some cute little chops in the freezer - sounds good with a make-over of the cabbage/pasta from yesterday. 

Welcome to AUGUST!! Where the heck is this year going????????????????
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.
  DINNER THREAD, 7/31/17 - 8/6/17 cjs [b][u][size=medium]M...
We weren't that hungry last night (probably after the nutty coconut ice cream from Baskin Robbins $1.31 scoop day since it was the 31st of the month) even though we split ONE scoop and one sugar cone in a cup.  And I think we are both tired from not sleeping well so I just had a 1/2 grilled cheese and Tony had cereal.  Michael had a proper meal of meatballs and rigatoni.

So tonight it's the carne asada, pinto beans and corn on the cob.
  DINNER THREAD, 7/31/17 - 8/6/17 cjs [b][u][size=medium]M...
Everything sounds good. I must be hungry! Big Grin

I went to the butcher and got some beautiful pork rib chops, the thick ones for the grill. Grill/baked sweet potatoes and something green to go with.

"Drink your tea slowly and reverently..."
  DINNER THREAD, 7/31/17 - 8/6/17 cjs [b][u][size=medium]M...
As I'm shredding the beef (from a slow cooker Philly Beef Sandwich batch) I cooked yesterday, my mind was wandering to... beef patties. Not ground beef, but pulled beef. I love making patties out of l/o fish, chicken, pork...but, I don't think I've ever made patties out of pulled beef. DUH - next project. I kept out 8 oz. to play with and make something.
Retired and having fun writing cookbooks, tasting wine and sharing recipes with all my friends.
DINNER THREAD, 7/31/17 - 8/6/17

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