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Thanksgiving Gravy with no turkey juices? - Printable Version

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Thanksgiving Gravy with no turkey juices? - carolekv - 10-15-2009

We make our Thanksgiving turkey in a rotisserie every year. It is delicious! Also, we have a small oven, so it saves me oven space for the other dishes.

Now, my never-ending quest - how to make the gravy without drippings - there are almost no drippings in that pan under the rotisserie. I've tried to find turkey drippings, but (now don't gasp) have ended up with a package mix most years so far. Or a mushroom gravy one year, which was good but not the same... Any ideas? Thanks!!!

Re: Thanksgiving Gravy with no turkey juices? - cjs - 10-15-2009

My best suggestion is between now and Thanksgiving, buy some whole chicken, maybe 2 or 3 will do it. Skin the chicken (you don't have to be fancy), cut away all the fat deposits heat this over a low heat and render out all the fat and if the skin gets crispy, all the better to add to the gravy.

Now, you'll have skinned, healthy chicken pcs. in the freezer.

or, you should be finding turkey drumsticks in the meat markets now, maybe roast a couple of those.

Maybe someone will come along with more ideas for you - good luck, Carole.

Re: Thanksgiving Gravy with no turkey juices? - Gourmet_Mom - 10-15-2009

We make gravy from the giblets. We DO add the drippings, but I'd just bump the flavor with some chicken base.

Re: Thanksgiving Gravy with no turkey juices? - esgunn - 10-16-2009

This was in a past issue or the holiday book of C@H - don't remember. I've made it twice now I think. Works great! And makes it really easy when you are trying to get everything else done.

* Exported from MasterCook *

Make-Ahead Gravy

Recipe By :
Serving Size : 15 Preparation Time :0:00
Categories :

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method
-------- ------------ --------------------------------
For the Turkey Stock
6 pounds Turkey wings and necks
5 each rib celery -- chopped
1 onion -- chopped
1 head garlic -- halved
12 cups chicken broth

For the Gravy
Melt; whisk in:
1 stick unsalted butter
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
Gradually add; Finish with:
8 cups turkey stock
1 Tablespoon apple cider vinegar
salt and pepper -- to taste

Preheat oven to 400 degrees

Saute turkey wings and necks, celery, onion and garlic in a roasting pan
on top of the stove over medium-high heat until beginning to brown.

Transfer to oven, roast 45 minutes, then turn the wings and necks over and
roast an addditional 45 minutes.

Add broth to pan and continue to roast until liquid is reduced to 8 cups,
about 1 hour.

Strain stock and set asaide.

Melt butter in a large pot over medium heat. Whisk in flour and cook 1-2
minutes, stirring constantly.

Gradually add strained stock, whisking until smooth. Bring to a boil,
cook 2 minutes to thicken, then reduce heat to medium-low and simmer 10

Finish with vinegar, salt and pepper.

"6 cups"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Re: Thanksgiving Gravy with no turkey juices? - Mare749 - 10-16-2009

Thanks Erin. I've been planning to try this method myself, since we have been rotissering the last few turkeys.

Re: Thanksgiving Gravy with no turkey juices? - cjs - 10-17-2009

That sounds like a good idea, Erin. getting anxious - haven't had gravy in the longest time!! may have to do a little bird this year.

Re: Thanksgiving Gravy with no turkey juices? - Gourmet_Mom - 10-17-2009

Hey, where did my post go? Weird!

I think I'm going to do this one, also. The kids like Nana's Giblet Gravy, but I like mine creamy. I guess they'll have a choice this year.

Re: Thanksgiving Gravy with no turkey juices? - carolekv - 10-19-2009

Thanks!! I will definitely use this idea!

Re: Thanksgiving Gravy with no turkey juices? - foodfiend - 10-19-2009

One year I tried roasting turkey drumsticks and wings to make a gravy base, but I spent way too much time cleaning my (non-self-cleaning) oven afterward. So I found that Penzey's makes a nice turkey stock base which I use, along with the turkey giblets, for our gravy.

Re: Thanksgiving Gravy with no turkey juices? - Peach - 10-20-2009

haha I have to admit those package mixes really aren't all the bad. I have had to use them myself for a few years